As a not-for-profit organisation, we are heavily reliant on donations to survive.
It costs 10s of £1,000s to run our church. This money does not originate from a central United Reformed Church fund; it comes from the members and activities of our local church.
We are very fortunate to have such willing and generous donors to help our church achieve its mission & objectives. However, the economic pressures on a small church such as ours can be challenging.
Regular giving is particularly helpful, as this allows us to better estimate income and decide which activities we can undertake in each financial year.
Gift Aiding donations also makes financial contributions go further.
Where Our Money Goes
Some examples:
Electricity, gas, and water.
Building maintenance & enhancements.
United Reformed Church management & administration (known as "Ministry & Mission").
Supporting other charitable causes.
Who Can Donate?
Anyone willing and able! (Please only give what you can afford.)
Ways To Donate
The main ways to donate are...
Regular (variable amount) giving via Sunday service collections.
Regular (fixed amount) giving via a Standing Order.
One-time donation directly to the church bank account.
Leaving a legacy in a will.
Further Information & Donating
If you are interested in finding out more information and/or donating, please contact our Treasurer.