
The workshop will be held in two of the three campuses of the University of Reading. In this way guests will get to know and experience two beautiful and green locations, both walking distance from the town centre.

Venue 1: The workshop will begin on Thursday, 12 October 2023 in the LO22 building, lecture theatre G01, in the London Road Campus (here is a map), some 15 minutes walk  from the central railway and bus station in Reading. LO22 is denoted as 22 on the London Road campus map.

Venue 2: The workshop will conclude on Friday, 13 October 2023 in the Henley Business School (HBS) building, room 108, in the Whiteknights Campus (here is a map), some 30 minutes walk from the central railway and bus station. HBS is denoted as 138 on the Whiteknights campus map.

Public transport buses and taxis depart in front of the railway station and reach the London Road campus (in about 5 minutes) and pass through - and stop - on the Whiteknights campus  (Nos. 20 and 21, the journey is about 15 minutes).