Aims and Scope

The inaugural event was planned for 5-6 November 2020 at the Université de Lille, but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the related confinement measures, and was held online (for the same reason) at the University of Reading on 4-5 November 2021. The co-founders and co-organisers of the workshop are Florence Huart at the Laboratoire "Lille Economie Management" (LEM-CNRS) of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales at Lille and Alexander Mihailov at the Group for Economic Analysis at Reading (GEAR) of the Department of Economics within the School of Politics, Economics and International Relations (SPEIR) at Reading.

This prestigious international workshop in its field is intended to be held annually, alternating across the English Channel, at the founding universities of Lille and Reading, and to represent a major event in the calendar of colleagues gravitating to the two influential research groups with more than three decades of history in collaboration at their respective annual conferences, the Money, Macro and Finance Society (MMFS) and the Groupement de recherche européen (GdRE) Monnaie, banque, finance (MBF).

The workshop will seek to collaborate with the main policymaking institutions and central banks in Europe and beyond, in particular the Bank of England, the Fondation Banque de France, the European Central Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank. The annual workshop will as well cooperate with the main journals in the field of international macroeconomics and finance and will aim to publish, following a usual refereeing process, a special issue in one of them with the best papers presented at each event. Open Economies Review has kindly agreed to publish the 1st and 2nd special issues.