2023-2024 Страница учителя Юлии Викторовны Кайстря 

Широка страна моя родная,

Много в ней лесов, полей и рек!

Я другой такой страны не знаю,

Где так вольно дышит человек.

    От Москвы до самых до окраин,

    С южных гор до северных морей

    Человек проходит, как хозяин

    Необъятной Родины своей.

    Всюду жизнь и вольно и широко,

    Точно Волга полная, течет.

    Молодым - везде у нас дорога,

    Старикам - везде у нас почет. 

(с) Песня о Родине

Стихотворение Василия Лебедева-Кумача

Russia Is My Motherland

September 2023                        What do you know about your country?

Russian Federation    

Useful information about Russia. 

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

Russia is a beautiful and truly great country that I can called my homeland because I was born and raised in Saint Petersburg. 

I love my country how can I not? The most understanding and kind people live here, they are always there to help in case you have a problem. My parents and I travel abroad sometimes and I have never met anyone so responsive and kindhearted. And of course, the nature is so beautiful in Russia. All these endless fields, coniferous forests, deep rivers, clear lakes, valleys and mountains that were depicted in various books. I especially love the Ural mountains. We went camping there with my parents when we visited my grandparents and went kayaking in the Chusovoy river. I like the fact that our country is so big and it feels like the whole life time is not enough to visit every corner of it. I’ve been to Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and even in Noviy Urengoy and Russia is different everywhere. People who live in the South are very different from the people living in the North. Moscow and Saint Petersburg residents are totally different story. I think it’s the main secret and peculiarity of our country. I don’t just love Russia, I’m proud of it because a lot of famous scientists, researchers and artists were born here. For example, my favorite writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, people across the world are reading his book up till now.  

Our country is very big. We enjoy travelling. When you visit russian cities, towns you understand this coutry. Our people are very friendly. 

October 2023                         What traditional crafts are there in Russia?

Useful information about russian crafts. 

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

Представляем 36 английских фраз на тему лепки из глины и пластилина. Описываем действия и материалы на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

November 2023                                                              Who lives in Russia?

Useful information about Population of Russia.

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

Everyone knows that Russia is the largest country on our planet. As a result, there are many nationalities living there. More than 145 million people constantly live in Russia, among them more than one hundred and sixty nationalities which speak their own language. Most of them belong to small nations. 

Over 80% are Russians themselves, while 20% of population consists of various nationalities – Ukrainians, Belorussians, Tatars, Mordvinians, Armenians, etc. The widest economic region in terms of population is the Central District, while the smallest is the North. 

Among the most densely populated cities we should certainly mention the capital and the region surrounding it. At the moment nearly ten million people inhabit Moscow. Other large Russian cities are Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don. Rural areas have lower density. 

There are so many small, but very interesting nationalities in various parts of Russia, for example, in Siberia, in Caucasus. It includes Khakasian people, the Evenki, Yakutian people, the Khanty and Mansi, the Kabardians, Circassians, Ossetians and many others. Russia also has some Finno-Ugric population, which includes the Finns, Saami and Komi, the Karelians. 

Some nations that live in the Far North lead really interesting and diverse lifestyles. For example, Nenets people are reindeer herders; the Chukchi, who inhabit the Chukotka Peninsula, are excellent fishermen. 

Every nation has its own customs, dialects, occupations and even a national costume. Thus, national cultures create the heritage of the whole country. 

December 2023      What Russian Scientists do you know?

Useful information about Russian Scientists.

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

January 2024   What do you know about celebration New Year in Russia?

Useful information about russian holiday

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

How is the New Year celebrated in Russia?

Russian New Year's customs involve a lot of similarities with European and American versions of winter holidays: families will decorate a tree, light a fire in the fireplace

Is there New Year celebration in Moscow?

If you love a good party, then head to Moscow in January where you can celebrate New Year not once but twice. As well as marking the date change with the rest of the world at midnight on January 1st, the Russians celebrate the Orthodox New Year two weeks later. To wish someone a Happy New Year, say “S Novim Godom”.

Does Russia have a symbol for New Years?

The main symbol of New Year in Russia – is Father Christmas (Ded Moroz). Everybody knows him as a kind fairy-tale character that gives gifts to the children and lights fires on a conifer tree. Where is he coming from and how he differs from the western Santa?

When did Russia celebrate New Years before Peter changed their calendar?

New Year's Day and Christmas are being celebrated in Russia from olden times. New Year's was first celebrated in March, then in the Moscow state in September. An actual combination of holidays happened under the reign of Peter the Great.

February 2024    What russian musician do you know?

Useful information about russian musicians. 

 During our lessons we are going to read the texts, do the tasks, answer the questions, learn the new words. 

Music of Russia denotes music produced from Russia and/or by Russians. Russia is a large and culturally diverse country, with many ethnic groups, each with their own locally developed music. Russian music also includes significant contributions from ethnic minorities, who populated the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia. Russian music went through a long history, beginning with ritual folk songs and the sacred music of the Russian Orthodox Church. The 19th century saw the rise of highly acclaimed Russian classical music, and in the 20th century major contributions by various composers such as Igor Stravinsky as well as Soviet composers, while the modern styles of Russian popular music developed, including Russian rock, Russian hip hop and Russian pop. 

This is an alphabetical list of significant composers who were born or raised in Russia or the Russian Empire.

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.


























March 2024    What russian writers do you know?

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837) was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.

 He published his first poem at the age of 15. Critics consider many of his works masterpieces. His notable works are Eugene Onegin, The Captain's Daughter, Boris Godunov, Ruslan and Ludmila.

Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) was a Russian writer, poet and painter. He was the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death and the greatest figure in Russian Romanticism. His notable works are Death of the Poet, Demon, The Novice, A Hero of Our Time. 

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received multiple nominations for Nobel Prize in Literature.

 He first achieved literary acclaim with his trilogy, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth, and Sevastopol Sketches. He is best known for the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) was a Russian writer, poet, playwright, translator and popularizer of Russian literature in the West.

 His best known works are Rudin, A Nest of the Gentry, On the Eve, Mumu and Fathers and Sons. Fathers and Sons is one of the most acclaimed Russian novels of the 19th century.

April 2024    What russian museums do you know?

There are thousands of museums in our country. There are small and big ones, some of them attract millions of visitors and some just a few people. But all the museum are interesting, unique and worth visiting. 

The most famous and big museums are located in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. There are the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the Kremlin Armoury, the Diamond Fund, the State Historical Museum of Russia, the Polytechnic Museum, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, the Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. 

There are famous museums in Saint Petersburg too such as the State Hermitage Museum, the State Russian Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Faberge Museum, the Zoological Museum, the Pushkin аpartment museum, the Erarta, the Central Naval Museum, the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. 

There are great museums in other cities in Russia, for example: the Yasnaya Polyana is a writer’s house museum, the former home of the writer Leo Tolstoy in Tula, the Mikhaylovskoye Museum Reserve is a museum complex dedicated to Alexander Pushkin in Pskov Oblast, the Kizhi Pogost, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Podvodnaya Lodka «B-413» in Kaliningrad, the Muzey Chtz in Chelyabinsk, the Tula State Museum of Weapons, the Muzey Starinnoy Tekhniki I Instrumentov in Nizhnij Novgorod, the Muzey Voyennoy Tekhniki Ugmk in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and a lot of others. 

May 2024    What russian winners of the war do you know?

О Великой Отечественной войне на английском

Тема Великой Отечественной раньше активно изучалась на уроках иностранного языка. Правда, в своих учебниках я ничего не нашла, но обнаружила несколько сборников. 

О Великой Отечественной войне на английском

Это М.Л.Ельяшкевич. «Город». Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов, 1966 г.

Интересно так, даются небольшие тексты о городах Великобритании, США и России. Ой, то есть Советского Союза, конечно. Раздел так и называется: «Soviet cities».Там и про Ленинград есть, и про блокаду, и вот про Волгоград.