Planning Your Landscaping Before You Start

Landscaping is the process of changing the visible features of a property. It can increase property values, create a focal point, and improve safety. It also can boost employee morale and raise employee morale. However, before you embark on a landscaping project, make sure you have a clear plan.

Boosts property value

Landscaping Bowmanville is a great way to add curb appeal to your home and increase its value. According to a recent study, a well-landscaped home is worth anywhere from 1% to 10% more than one without landscaping. Landscaping also creates outdoor living spaces that can be enjoyed by the homeowner and increase the home's value when the time comes to sell it. You can even install a tree in your yard to increase its value!

Professionally done landscaping increases the perceived value of a home, according to a study conducted at the University of Michigan. Depending on the landscaping and the amount of money spent on the project, a home can fetch as much as 5% to 12% more than one without landscaping. The level of sophistication and the number of plants used in a landscape design also affect a home's market value. A more expensive and expansive property requires more landscaping than a less expensive one.

Improves safety

In landscape construction, safety is the top priority, so landscaping companies should take extra precautions to make their work environment as safe as possible. An excellent way to do this is by using time-tested safety protocols. Although there will always be risks and dangers involved with landscaping, a few precautions can reduce the risk of injury or harm while at work and minimize the liability implications.

Proper landscaping creates a safe environment for pedestrians and drivers. In addition, it helps create a clear boundary between private and public areas, allowing for clear lines of vision and safe movement. Also, proper lighting is essential in landscapes with walkways and other areas where people walk or work. Insufficient lighting is a significant source of accidents, and a lack of lighting in landscaping can put workers at risk.

Increases employee morale

A landscaping business can boost employee morale by giving employees opportunities to volunteer on the weekends. This is a great way to increase employee satisfaction and motivate them to work harder during the week. It's also a great way to increase productivity. There are several ways to make this happen. 

Plants: Plants help increase air quality by removing carbon dioxide and replacing it with oxygen. Plants also boost employee morale by adding a natural element to the office environment. Greenery and flowers make people feel more positive and less stressed. Manicured grass can also serve as a relaxing break spot for employees. It also offers an ideal place for company events.

Creates a focal point

A focal point is a prominent feature of a landscape. It sets the mood and draws the eye to the entire space. In addition, it can showcase your home's beauty. When used correctly, a focal point can enhance the beauty of your yard while remaining well-balanced and appropriate for the style of your landscaping.

Using plants is one of the best ways to create a focal point in your landscaping. The right plants will flow with the rest of your landscape and look good all year round. You can choose perennials or annuals to create a seasonal focal point or larger trees and other prominent plants.

Requires high maintenance

A high-maintenance landscape can look beautiful but also require a lot of work. Whether planning to build a new landscape or redesign an old one, think about the time and effort you will spend caring for it. Ideally, you should plan your landscaping before you begin.

Decide which areas of your landscape will require the most care. Plants that need lots of water and pruning can be high maintenance. If you have limited time, focus on these areas first.