A Guide to Buying the Perfect Under Bench Dishwasher

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, which extends to household chores. One such chore that can be time-consuming and tedious is washing dishes. This is where under bench dishwashers come into play, revolutionising how we manage kitchen cleanup. If you're in the market for a new under bench dishwasher, you're in for a treat. This guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when buying one.


1. Size and Capacity


Under bench dishwashers are designed to fit neatly beneath your kitchen counter, so size matters. Measure the available space under your bench to ensure a proper fit. Dishwashers come in various sizes, with standard widths of 24 inches for most models. However, compact options at 18 inches wide are available for smaller kitchens.


Capacity is another crucial aspect to consider. Determine the number of place settings you typically need to clean in one cycle. Standard dishwashers usually accommodate 12 to 14 place settings, while compact models hold around 8 to 10. Choose the capacity that best suits your household's needs.


2. Energy Efficiency


Opt for an under bench dishwasher that's Energy Star certified. These appliances are designed to be more energy-efficient, which can result in lower utility bills and reduced environmental impact. Look for the yellow Energy Guide label, which displays estimated annual energy consumption.


3. Washing Cycles and Features


Modern under bench dishwashers offer a variety of washing cycles and features to meet different needs. Common wash cycles include normal, heavy-duty, delicate, and eco-friendly. Some models even offer specialised cycles for pots and pans, glassware, and quick washes. Consider which cycles are most important for your daily use.


Additional features include adjustable racks, a delay start option, and a sanitising cycle to kill bacteria and ensure cleanliness. Many dishwashers also have a heated drying feature that helps speed up the drying process.


4. Noise Level


If you're sensitive to noise or have an open-concept kitchen, pay attention to the dishwasher's noise level. Dishwashers typically range from 45 to 60 decibels. A dishwasher with a noise level of around 50 decibels is considered quiet and won't disrupt your conversations or daily activities.


5. Installation and Maintenance


Consider how easy it is to install and maintain the under bench dishwasher. Most dishwashers require a water hookup, a drain connection, and a power source. Ensure you have the necessary plumbing and electrical setup or budget for professional installation in your kitchen.


Maintenance is also important for the longevity of your appliance. Check if the dishwasher has a removable filter that's easy to clean and maintain. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prolong the life of your dishwasher and keep it running efficiently.


6. Brand and Warranty


Stick to reputable brands known for their quality and customer support. Brands like Bosch, KitchenAid, and Miele are often praised for their durable and reliable dishwashers. Be sure to check the warranty coverage, as it can vary from one manufacturer to another. A longer warranty period provides added peace of mind in case of unexpected issues.


7. Budget


Last but not least, determine your budget for an under bench dishwasher. Prices can vary significantly based on brand, features, and capacity. While it's tempting to go for the most feature-packed model, ensure it aligns with your budget and needs.


In conclusion, buying an under bench dishwasher can simplify your kitchen cleanup routine and save you valuable time. When deciding, consider the size, capacity, energy efficiency, washing cycles, noise level, installation, maintenance requirements, and brand reputation and warranty. With the right dishwasher, you'll have sparkling clean dishes and more time to enjoy the things you love.