"Lace as a concept"

In my work lace is a metaphor for transience and fragility. The more holes a material gets, the more it touches the essence of lace, namely transparency. Iron with rust holes is less than the object it once was, but also more. Forms that were not there arise. Textiles can be luxurious, but also worn-out. This gives it an extra meaning. After all, there is a story attached to it; it has 'lived'.

Until the ripples die away

A group exhibition of art lace by Jane Atkinson, Dagmar Beckel-Machyckova, Pierre Fouché, Lieve Smets & Denise Watts.

This exhibition forms part of the World Lace Festival, 8-11. August 2024 in Piešťany, Slovakia, at the Kino Fontána exhibition venue.


This is the first time that we're exhibiting together as "The Adventurous Lacemakers".
