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lidslateOS Forward (x64 + uefi)

Forward will be the latest branch of lidslateOS designed to give you what's new in the project. These don't follow a schedule, but rather are rolled out as they're ready.

All builds of lidslateOS in the Forward branch require either a real or virtual machine with a 64-bit Intel or AMD processor and that supports UEFI. For more, see System Requirements and What's the difference between Forward and Legacy?

Nothing is available to download yet! The project is still working on an initial preview release sometime by 2024!

Nothing is available to download yet.

Nothing here yet! Preview 0 should be available later this year.

If you're new to lidslateOS, you may want to read:

lidslateOS Legacy (x86)

Legacy builds will be meant to try to recreate a more Classic look and feel alone as much as possible.

Please note: These will not (and won't ever) support UEFI, and are here only as Long-Term Cycle builds, which means they won't be actively updated and will follow the same slow (but more solid) release cadence as 'stable' Debian versions, and also won't get new changes in the Forward cycle. These require either a legacy 64-bit or 32-bit i686 Intel/AMD processor (for more, see Legacy System Requirements)

At startup, you'll be able to choose whether to boot Legacy with a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel image.

No downloads available at this time. Please wait for the first preview, coming later 2024.

If you're new to lidslateOS, you may want to read:

Archives and source

Nothing archived because there's no releases yet!

For base system (Devuan + packages) source, there's (nothing available yet since there's no releases yet).

Please note base system source bundles aren't included for Forward builds to save space; to get source for any Devuan package, you can type sudo -s then get source for a package, like with apt source nano (to get source for nano as an example).

For source for the lidslate user interface, see the Lidshell area of the site.Â