Learn about lidslate

What is this project?

lidslate is an (upcoming) Linux-based operating system totally made on mobile computers, made for mobile computers. The project's goal is to bring a simple, unique, friendly experience to laptops and notebooks, convertibles (2-in-1's), and tablets powered by 64-bit Intel (and AMD) processors. And to be something its author enjoys using!

Who makes this?

Um, what does 'lidslate' mean?

It's a combo of two terms from computer history: the lid (top part with the screen) of a laptop or notebook, and a flat tablet form factor (slate).

Why are you building this?

Because I love computer history, but I wanted to build some original stuff. And its a fun reboot from the fails at me (trying to) build stuff in the past. A lot of the ideas that are in lidslate come from this... and I hope you enjoy it!

And... I got tired of the way most Linux-based environments on my stuff feels, and wanted to build something that I felt looked nice on any screen.

Why should I download lidslateOS?

It's unique features. Seriously, fr, that'd be the reason I'd give to anyone to try it out (or to anyone looking to support the project!)

What does this require to run?

System requirements start with either a legacy Mac set up to run lidslate or a standard PC, with an Intel x64 (or AMD/amd64) processor. 

Your computer will also need to include UEFI (if you're downloading the Forward edition, and almost all computers since 2012 do), bootable USB support, and at least a 1024x600 resolution (8 inch netbook) or larger screen. Legacy builds also support old 32-bit (i686) and 64-bit computers without UEFI.


Also... please be aware: