The House of Justice

What is it?

The House of Justice is the judicial body. It is comprised of 6 judges, and its members are elected by the public. Elections are held every 2 years, and anyone can register for candidacy. Their is no limit to the number of terms a judge can serve.

The Chief Judge is the head of the judicial body. They are the only member that isn't elected, rather they are appointed by the Prime Minister. When appointed, they shall be addressed as His/Her High Honor.

What do they do?

The sole purpose of the judicial body is to interpret laws. When a person commits a major crime, they are taken to court, where a judge is assigned to their case. Based on evidence, the person will be sentenced according to the Sentencing Guidelines.

Crimes are classified by class. Class 1 crimes are usually severe crimes, such as murder. Class 2 crimes are usually minor crimes, such as trespassing. Class 3 crimes are usually traffic crimes, such as speeding.