The Standards

Our Flags

The National Standard

This is the National Flag of our Country. It represents the people of this nation, and the values they live by.

The Royal Standard

This flag symbolizes the Monarchy, which leads, guides, and protects the people of this great nation.

How to Display The National Standard

When displaying the national flag, it should always be flying on a pole, and should never touch the ground. When being displayed at night, it should be illuminated by bright lights. During a time of mourning, The Ministry may direct all citizens to lower their flags to half staff. When displaying with another flag, the national flag should fly to the left of the flag (indoors) or below the flag (outdoors). Another flag should never fly above the national flag, as this would degrade morals citizens live by. When a national flag begins to show wear and tear, it should be taken to the Citizens Affairs Office for proper disposal. If you have further questions, please contact us!