Grade Improvement Options

Grade Improvement

Students who received a grade of F, D, D+ or C- in a core class may improve up to four (4) semester grades during high school through the following programs:

  • Retake the course on a space available basis at the high school

  • Retake the course in the Issaquah School District’s Summer School Program

  • Take a course through Bellevue or Lake Washington School Districts’ Summer School programs, which are comparable programs

  • Retake a course through ISD's Online Program during the school year

  • In specific cases of higher level courses, a community college course taken on a college campus may qualify for grade improvement. In these individual cases, the counselor will specify the exact course which satisfies the requirement(s)

Per WAC 392-415-055 and WAC 392-415-070 the grade being improved must remain on the student’s transcript. The credit, however, will be changed to zero so the grade is not used in calculating the student’s GPA. The new grade, if higher, will be used for calculating GPA.

Grade Changes

On occasion, students may feel that a grade received did not truly reflect what they earned. Students who wish to challenge a grade must first make contact with the teacher. Students will have until the end of the following semester to resolve the disputed grade. After that time, all grades will be deemed final and may no longer be challenged. If a mediator is necessary, the student may contact their administrator.