Lydia Tam

Hi! I’m Lydia! My family lives in Oregon but I am currently in the bay area for school. I am a fourth year at Stanford University studying biology with a concentration in neurobiology (braaaainnns). I was heavily involved with my on-campus fellowship, but felt God’s calling for me to serve the youth at LGCC, so that’s why I’m here! I have been a Christian for all of my life, but didn’t truly understand what it meant to be a Christ-following disciple until high school. My hope is to develop strong friendships with the youth, encourage them to depend on the Lord, and journey alongside them in their spiritual walks. When not studying for those midterms that never seem to end or spending endless hours in a research lab with my mice, you could find me skyping with family, napping (!!!), and or cooking random things. At LGCC, you may have also seen me playing violin for worship team and or running around with tiny humans ages 3-5 in Children’s Sunday School. I’m super excited to join the team, and can’t wait to get to know the amazing youth of Kairos!

Written in 2018: I joined Kairos as a counselor the summer of 2016 and someone initially thought I was a high schooler (ha, forever young!). Youth ministry is an amazing opportunity to witness God at work. It can and will be frustrating at times, but it is definitely a worthwhile experience! One thing I really enjoy about being a counselor is that I have the privilege of discipling a student. My relationships with my disciples have been huge blessings in my life!

You should prayerfully consider joining + keep the ministry in your prayers. Ask us any questions and share any hesitations, we'll try to convince you heh. In the meantime, here are some potential questions/comments and my responses to them.

  • Oh I'm not a kid person!
        • You'll get to witness puberty in action, it's quite entertaining. And also they're not that bad.
  • Oh I don't have time!
        • Make time! It's worth it! You'll be working for the kingdom of God, super cool.
  • Oh I don't know any of the youth!
        • Joining Kairos will give you a chance to know kids and families from all three congregations, it's an awesome way to get more plugged in with LGCC
  • Oh I can't disciple someone!
        • I thought the same thing, but it's not that difficult and it's a very rewarding experience. It's more like a mentorship relationship: get food, talk about life, throw in some unsolicited advice, add jesus and the bible in the mix and you get discipleship.
  • Oh I'm too old for this.
        • Yes, they can be crazy with their seemingly limitless high energy. But you can share godly wisdom with them scrubs.
  • Oh I don't think I'm qualified to do this.
        • Pray about it! Only "qualification" is willingness to serve.