Julian Yang

I joined Kairos at roughly end of November last year, and started helping out consistently around mid January. The youth ministry that I attended growing up saw a lot of leadership turnover (something like five youth leaders / pastors while I was there between grades 7-12). Despite the instability, I know that the program there played a huge role on why I even go to church today and that's a gift that I want to pay forward to the next generation. I am always really encouraged by the amount of heart and soul that the other counselors put into loving these kids. But, the most rewarding part of serving at Kairos for me is seeing the students think about the reality of Christ, the gospel, and how it should impact their own lives. Youth ministry does come with its own unique challenges, but the same could be said about serving in any capacity at church, and it's these challenges that force us as counselors to grow in our own faith. If you're thinking about serving, please come check out Kairos!