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Being a liberal socialist means working for a higher law and a common language. A planet made of one nation: a nation as objective and reason. Humanity as the common-good: equal rights and freedom [...] everyone will live over the same rights and under the same duties [...] the planned nation is huge, the size of a planet [...] exalting [prelude] the speech and the higher law, to serve as a guide for us all.

Liberal socialism is political center, it is social democracy with another strategies: de-bureaucratizing and anti-corruption policies. Constructed in the format of a movie script to make reading interesting, and the result of a year of studying economic and social sciences in groups on the Internet, where only this writer presented a project. There is no need for war to implement, it is only a movie script to extract a peaceful socioeconomic plan.

Internationalization [PT-BR] Brazil

_Socioeconomic Platform in Movie Format_ Commented Version

Liberal or Conservative?

There is ownership over the economic and social structure that governs our lives... they had certain origins and objectives when created. Built by certain groups with their operating characteristics. Even if passed down through generations, it is a machine built by someone, exploring, appropriating, seeking to perpetuate itself. Is it possible to modify the machine? Not without permission from the owner. Either you get permission, or you build another machine, after all, nothing good will come with violence. In ancient times, they organized the banking system and control structures, when nothing existed. A certain merit may exist, but ultimately it may reveal a human inability to accept a world without so many conflicts and brutal inequalities, perhaps it is part of humanity, with its primitive roots based on kill or be killed. For now, there is not much to be proud of calling ourselves humans.

Solve the bad consequences of automation, considering a low-income country with an already devalued currency, without exposing itself to inflation, without subsidies and exemptions with the potential for debt, solving the problem of the retirement 'pyramid scheme', achieving social justice along the way and without isolating the country so as not to cause scrapping. Do not forget to reserve resources to fight corruption. Security and justice on themselves are already a challenge for any government, much greater if considered as one that wants to take responsibility for all areas (security, education, health, state-owned companies and infrastructure).

So, a movie, which could be rewritten, to turn into a romance, instead of war.

Elections, liberal socialist agreement manages to establish consensus.

It is decided to adopt liberalism. The state becomes minimal: regulation, inspection, safety and justice... health? Public emergencies and triages only. Education? Only public basic education.

Transformation of Federal Universities owned by the Union into Community Universities owned by teachers, students, businesspeople and general public. Hospitals and health centers acquired by the professionals who work on them, clients, businesspeople and general public. [...] Public banks are advised to lend only to businesspeople, with labor hiring criteria. Any non-productive assets are financed only by private banks, including loans to public servants. [...]

All state-owned companies are privatized, with the exception of extractive companies. Subsidies and exemptions are now considered illegal: they consume resources and interfere with the free market. Strict rules against monopolies and cartels are created.

Each people have the right to what belongs to their land. Minimum State, of excellence.

Vouchers funded by extractivists, used to pay for health and education in the private system. Those who do not use it, receive a refund.

Low-value vouchers, complementary to the cost of treatment or education, provided after screening, in the case of the health sector, or after completion of basic education, until the establishment of the new culture based on property and the care that is usually linked to it, parallel to current configuration of the public and private health and education system, until finalized modifications of structures and realistic values with the market in each municipality can be implemented.

Investments in security allow prisoners to live in decent conditions, being able to study and work inside prisons, to cover their expenses and reduce their sentences.

The job market is now governed by the same rules, whether you are a public servant, a private employee, military personnel, or a member of the political class. The only difference is stability for public servants.

The justification for the stability for public servants is to prohibit the political overtake of the public machine, political party affiliation should also not be allowed, as well as a ban on donations to candidates, parties and political party campaigns.

In the political sphere, the electoral fund is extinguished, parties that want contributions to elections must obtain them via spontaneous contributions from their voters. Only contributions from individuals, and within certain limits, are permitted.

Tax on large fortunes and taxation of large luxury personal assets are instituted. The wealth of the very rich becomes concentrated in production and job creation.

Everyone on legal age starts to receive an amount, determined by the cost of living, called Universal Basic Income [UBI]. Due to the immense diversity of municipalities across the country, the minimum wage is now determined by the municipalities.

Not granting aid immediately after birth, an obvious disincentive for reproduction for financial reasons, also encourages medium and long-term planning.

Retirements are extinguished: everyone who is not in the job market, including retirees, starts receiving UBI. Investment funds supplement income. There are no longer any exceptions, everyone has the same [labor, criminal, tax, legal access, etc.] rights.

Retirements transferred to investment funds under the control of the beneficiary or savings, through a realistic calculation with the current public pension situation, to be used to complement Universal Basic Income.

Public banks are advised to lend only to businesspeople, with labor hiring criteria. Any non-productive assets are financed only by private banks, including loans to public servants.

Differentiated rights, besides related to deficiencies, are considered a violation of human rights, and voted illegal by a large majority. A privilege-free society is achieved: social well-being rates never been so high.

Differentiated rights besides related to disabilities are now considered illegal, that is, current differences are modified and are valid for everyone, regardless of gender, race and profession. Example: precautionary measures, currently only allowed to females, are now offered to males, with the necessary corrections regarding the right of all parties to be heard before granting, as well as prior occurrence of physical violence, threats or persecution registered, reiterated and warned. The most correct thing is that they should only be granted in cases of evidenced, registered and repeated physical violence. Otherwise, common litigation is offered through the aforementioned occurrences, with all parties notified after registration.

The borders for international trade are open and there are no tariff barriers, which allows innovation and development, after all: there is access, on the domestic market, to inputs that the country was unable to produce.

Brazil, A Second Nation for the People of the Earth

Then, the war begins.

The neoliberalism of privileges, subsidies and exemptions comes into practice in two foreign powers.

The USA and PRC adopt the neoliberal regime of privileges, subsidies and specific exemptions.

Companies in such countries are subsidized, which causes their public debts to skyrocket. Extreme inequality reigns among its citizens. They do not have access to health, education, security: nothing.

Because they are subsidized, companies from such countries become predatory, destroying the global financial ecosystem and industry.

In Brazil, crisis. How will a liberal country adopt protectionist policies if they are contrary to doctrine? In a desperate measure, Brazil considers creating tariff barriers to protect its companies.

The foundations of the doctrine wins, even in an unfair relationship. The country remains open. Its industries are destroyed, its companies are brought to their knees. State of disaster, unemployment soars.

Large-scale agriculture is nationalized. The country struggles to maintain UBI, using extractive companies profit, for all its citizens. There is nothing more than the bare minimum.

As time passes, and in economic war, the fully militarized USA and PRC total war begins. Half of the planet is reduced to ashes.

Brazil world power.

Liberal Socialist

Get to Know _liberalsocialism.org_

[...] regions where revenue from extractive sector is reduced, higher UBI values may arise from revenue from [commerce, industry and other services] labour, thus serving to support vouchers, or directly in currency, for health treatment and education. What matters is that the structure must be in accordance with the location, thus developing in an efficient and sustainable way. This dynamic, which allows adaptation to the location, is defined in a Higher Law, the Liberal Socialist Project.

Improving Human Technology and Quality of Living

No Subsidy and No Tax Exemption

Subsidy or tax exemption, taking resources from one to give to another. Foundations, if they start like this, started corrupted. How much does nature accept corruption for what it loves most: technological development? Why could this development not be carried out through loans? If the amounts are returned, the margin of certainty regarding technological development will be higher, after all, there will be greater responsibility and certainty regarding what needs to be done: better planning and a better project quality will be necessary. The result will be a better overall system reliability, without damaging sectors and harming people in other areas, who could be contributing to development, if they were not being subtracted. The quality of human technology will be better if subsidies and exemptions are canceled. In relation to extractivist industry, it must be public, given the immensity of resources needed to develop it.

Subsidies and tax exemptions are errors... but let us deal with an exceptional case here: the exception.

Cutting-edge technological development, with very high risk, where there is no certainty of return on the loan due to the lack of science that will have to be developed, and there is still no margin of confidence to establish whether the loan will be possible to be repaid. Now, if the entrepreneur develops what he wants, being it a new science or new technology, he will be recognized in human history as someone who revolutionized science and/or technology. If he loses, he will also be recognized in history of humanity, as someone who risked everything, lost, went bankrupt, and lives humbly, also being admired. In other words, victory is not in losing or winning, victory is in doing it correctly.

The reasoning elaborated above is optional. The foundation that everything is connected by cause and consequence, makes the technology resulting from correct foundations more reliable. For this, however, in the current [2023] global socioeconomic scenario, an agreement between nations is necessary: The Higher Law.

Strategic Interests, State Secrets and Plausible Deniability

The Biggest Obstacle to Internationalization

A Disaster for Humanity

Unnecessary Violence

Imagine a meeting where people are deciding about implementing a system. In the documentation it is written that the personal and private data of a person or group will not be used to investigate (after all, there is no probable cause, nor judicial warrant) or interfere, in a delimited group or person, only to build statistics and graphs, which it is not possible to identify a specific person or group. A contract is elaborated, it is huge, with the most varied clauses, including those described previously. This contract does not contain information about specific investigation and interference, why?

The government decreed it as a State Secret, with the investigation and interference being specific, illegal (without probable cause and without a judicial warrant), but carried out, the Strategic Interest (crime), will be implemented, but it is not in the contract. Thus, the system seller will configure Plausible Deniability, after all, he does not know about the truth. In other words, the contract is null, a huge waste of resources due to secret clauses: it does not protect the most fragile part, it is nothing more than a scam.

Now imagine this being carried out against a nation's president. The contract without the information considered State Secret will go to him, the contract with the information will be sent to a secret committee of the Senate, protected by State Secret. The senator ends up ruling more than the president, and protected by State Secret, authorizing crimes with impunity. Would this be a conduct disorder (DSM-V)?

We have a disaster, and the biggest obstacle to the internationalization of Planet Earth, in addition to different laws in each territory, leaders do not receive the necessary information for the decision, with the aggravating factor of allowing internal laws that protect citizens of some nationality, not being applicable to citizen of another nationality, even if they are in favor of internationalization, then both nations end up damaged, and internationalization becomes corrupt, turns into war and separation, or harmful domination. With foundations like this, we cannot move forward: wars and misfortunes in corrupt attempts. Furthermore, the behavior of those benefiting from State Secrets begins to become more and more criminal, as the additional protection that leaves them unpunished serves as an incentive, expanding degeneration. Internationalization going backwards, as humanity.

Imagine that the Strategic Interest is to keep extractivist industry private, and that the army invades other countries, for any reason. The State starts to act with its army, using vast amounts of the population's resources, to expand its private extractive industry activities, exploring the territory of another nation. In other words, the State acting for the benefit of a group of shareholders, in detriment of the rest of its own general population. How to solve this situation? The extractive industry will have to be nationalized, or shareholders will have to pay more taxes, considering the contributions of the rest of the population to the army which ends up as additional profit for shareholders. Is the extractivist industry state-owned? Is this expansion by the army, which results in profits for shareholders, considered in taxes? A myriad of exceptions presents themselves. Corrupt bureaucracies, extractive industry must be public.

Strategic Interests when aimed at creating secrecy, canceling the right or duty of a national or foreign person, State Secrets and Plausible Deniability, are the biggest obstacles to the development of humanity, as sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. Correct foundations for the internationalization of Planet Earth are imperative, the absence of this is the reason for so many wars, so much separatism or nefarious domination, and so little progress on the Planet as a single nation. A nation as reasoning and reason: equal rights and freedom.

GDP PPP 2021 Selection

World Major Military Alliances

It was built, and is maintained, by a professor, born in the south of South America, using his own resources and initiative.

British and North American institutions were contacted, with no positive answer regarding the transferation of resources for translating [specialist interpreter from Brazilian Portuguese to International English] of the entire aforementioned websites, as well as the modification of the Socioeconomic Platform in Movie Format updated into a Socioeconomic Plan. For Brazil: Military Power [PT-BR]


It was built and is maintained by a professor born in the south of South America, with his own resources and initiative. None of this author's content was generated using artificial intelligence.