
29 Novembre - 3 Dicembre 2021

30th November

After a good breakfast in the covered terrace of the nice hotel where we stayed, everyone was looking forward to living a wonderful day...


Gernika is a small town in the Basque Countries, in the province of Biscay, in the northern area of Spain. Gernika (pron. "ghernica") is the historical and religious capital of the Basque Countries with its House of Assembly of Biscay where important political and social matters and decisions were taken under an oak tree, the Gernikako Arbola, that was one of the symbols of freedom of the Basque people. The town is famous all over the world thanks to the Picasso's painting "Guernica" which is also a mural representing the effects of the bombing of the town during the Spanish Civil War.

San Fidel Ikastola

San Fidel Ikastola - A really warm welcome from the Basque partner school with typical songs and dances performed all together in the school's courtyard.


After having visited the school, the Italian and the Spanish students worked together in an Art lab reproducing the "Guernica" painting coloured by different techniques

This lab has been held during an online connection with the final classes of our primary school and with some Greek partner students.

All in the gym!!

Let's practise Basque games and sports inspired by the farmers' daily routine.

In the afternoon we went by train to Mundaka, in the Urbaibai Biosphere Reserve

Before going to the restaurant for dinner it was really pleasant to have a walk on the streets and in the Europe Park of Gernika

Always ready for a good typical meal!

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