
10th-12th December 2019

2nd Day

In the morning all the group walked along the city centre of Catania visiting other selected sites for the project or discovering new monuments or charming corners of this city such as Villa Bellini, Via Crociferi and the Benedictine Monastery.

Our students were the guides who introduced the sites then they gave our guests some leaflets of the venues, made by hand at school.


Villa Bellini

Crociferi Street

St Nicolò L'Arena Church

Benedictine Monastery

Not far from the Cathedral Square there is the Monastery of St. Nicolò l’Arena, jewel of the late Sicilian baroque style and one of the largest building in Europe. It represents the mixture of different styles and nowadays it is part of the UNESCO Heritage. It is the home of a University Department and it has inside a domus Romana, some clausters and a beautiful hanging garden.

Ursino Castle

Visit to the Town Hall and meeting with the local authorities.

Lunch with traditional Sicilian street food.

Traditional Sicilian games

During the second technical meeting of the coordinators, the students have been involved in some traditional games that they played with our P.E. teachers and our students in our gym. After the meeting also the teachers joined the group and played as well.

Farewell dinner with a ceremony of delivery of the certificates of attendance and gifts to all the partners.


All the pictures of the day collected in a link

(click on this image)

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