
The project L. E. T. 'S.! (Loving Europe Through Sites) focuses its attention on the study and the knowledge of the European cultural heritage through the historical sites and monuments, too.

In order to achieve this goal a partnership has been established among the following schools: San Fidel Ikastola(Gernika - Spain), Gymnasio Sofadwn (Sofades - Greece), Sir John Cass' Foundation and Red Coat Church of England Secondary School (London - United Kingdom). They will develop and implement the project according to its peculiarities and to the Key Competences issued by the European Commission pointing out the multicultural and intercultural aspects. Six sites will be selected and they will match with six fields of knowledge such as History. Literature, Music, Sport, Science and Art, which will be known, studied and appreciated by the native students and the foreigner ones by means of researches and educational visits. As the common language is English, the methodological approach will be related to CLIL, which allows to acquire the competences related to all the involved subjects with a particular attention to the multimedia and English language skills.

Several steps and activities are planned and scheduled such as making the Mascotte and the project logo as well as the leaflets and the paper tourist guides or a permanent Art Exhibition of the selected sites. The project, which lasts until the school year 2020/2021, will result into different kind of products that will be disseminated and shared through meetings, social networks, institutional websites, newspapers and crafts.


IC Sante Giuffrida Catania, Italy

Sir John Cass' Foundation and Red Coat Church of England Secondary School and Sixth Form College.

London, UK

San Fidel Ikastola Guernica, Spain

1ο Γυμνάσιο Σοφάδων Gymnasio Sofadwn Sofades, Greece

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