My current research projects include:
EU H2020 CRiceS (Climate Relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system) project (2021-2025, PI)
Academy of Finland IMICROBE (Primary productivity Iron limitation in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Southern Ocean – unraveling the role of bacteria as mediators in the iron cycle) project (2021-2024).
Previous research projects I have led or contributed to:
NERC and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Project Diatom-ARCTIC (2018 -2020)
Norwegian Research Council FAABulous (Future Arctic Algae Blooms - and their role in the context of climate change) project (2015 - 2020)
2016 - 2018, Finnish Ministry of the Environment "Finnish Coastal Nutrient Load Model" Project (FICOS).
2014 - 2017, BONUS EU project COCOA “Nutrient COcktails in COAstal zones of the Baltic Sea”
2012 - 2017, Academy of Finland Research Fellowship “Changing phytoplankton community composition and its effect on biogeochemical fluxes in the Baltic Sea” (CFLUX).
2013 - 2016, FP7 EU project DEVOTES “ Development Of Innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status”.
2013 - 2016, Finnish Ministry of the Environment Archipelago Sea Project.
2010 - 2012, Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation and Estonian Science Foundation “The relative contribution and importance of riverine nutrient load versus atmospheric deposition to the Baltic Sea ecosystem state, with particular focus on the winter sea ice biogeochemistry (PI).