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Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova
Via del Santo, 33 - Padova, Italy.
Phone Number: + 39 049 827 4327
Email: leonardo.madio (at) unipd.it
Senior Assistant Professor (RtdB, tenure-track), University of Padova
Other affiliations:
During 2020-2023, I was "Unicredit & Universities Foscolo Europe" research fellow in Padova. I also held postdoctoral fellowships at the Toulouse School of Economics and CORE - Universitè catholique de Louvain. I obtained the Ph.D from the University of York in 2019. In 2022, I was visiting research fellow at the ESMT Berlin. Since 2023, I am also Visiting Associate Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics.
I hold the Italian Habilitation for Associate Professor (Professore di II Fascia) in Economia Politica (13/A1), Scienza delle Finanze (13/A3), and Economia Applicata (13/A6).
My research interests are in the field of Industrial Organization and Digital Economics. I work on platform governance of quality and innovation, vertical relations within platform markets, and price and algorithmic transparency in digital markets. I am also interested in the unintended effects of public policies.
My research has been published in Management Science, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, European Economic Review, amongst others.
Current Research Projects:
TEPREME (ANR 2022-2025). P.I.: Anna D'Annunzio (Toulouse Business School)
Cyber Resilience (PRIN 2022 PNRR 2024-2026). P.I.: Laura Abrardi (POLITO)
I co-organize the yearly IBEO Conference in Alghero (Sardinia) - Digital Economics Session, and the Padova IO Workshop.
Meet me around:
ASSET Conference, Venice (31st October, 1-2nd November)
UNIBG IO Workshop, Passo del Tonale (December 10-13)
13th EIEF-UNIBO-IGIER IO Workshop, Bologna, December 2024
TSE Digital Conference (discussant), Toulouse, January 2025.
SIEP Conference, Bologna, January 2025.
MACCI Workshop on Digital Markets, Mannheim, March 2025.
Seminar @ Universitè Paris Nanterre, March 18th 2025.
Seminar @ University of Namur, April 1st, 2025
New Paper Alert: Check out our new paper "Transparency of Add-On Fees on Peer-to-Peer Platforms: Evidence from Airbnb" (with Kevin Tran Michelangelo Rossi and Mark J. Tremblay,)
Contributo su Lavoce.info dal titolo Quando le piattaforme scelgono la trasparenza, il prezzo cambia January 2, 2025. (with Kevin Tran Michelangelo Rossi and Mark J. Tremblay,)