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Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova
Via del Santo, 33 - Padova, Italy.
Phone Number: + 39 049 827 4327
Email: leonardo.madio (at) unipd.it
Senior Assistant Professor (RtdB, tenure-track), University of Padova
Other affiliations:
During 2020-2023, I was "Unicredit & Universities Foscolo Europe" research fellow in Padova. I also held postdoctoral fellowships at the Toulouse School of Economics and CORE - Universitè catholique de Louvain. I obtained the Ph.D from the University of York in 2019. In 2022, I was visiting research fellow at the ESMT Berlin. Since 2023, I am also Visiting Associate Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics.
I hold the Italian Habilitation for Associate Professor (Professore di II Fascia) in Economia Politica (13/A1), Scienza delle Finanze (13/A3), and Economia Applicata (13/A6).
My research interests are in the field of Industrial Organization and Digital Economics. I work on platform governance of quality and innovation, vertical relations within platform markets, and price and algorithmic transparency in digital markets. I am also interested in the unintended effects of public policies.
My research has been published in Management Science, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, European Economic Review, amongst others.
Current Research Projects:
TEPREME (ANR 2022-2025). P.I.: Anna D'Annunzio (Toulouse Business School)
Cyber Resilience (PRIN 2022 PNRR 2024-2026). P.I.: Laura Abrardi (POLITO)
I co-organize the yearly IBEO Conference in Alghero (Sardinia) - Digital Economics Session, and the Padova IO Workshop.
Meet me around:
ASSET Conference, Venice (31st October, 1-2nd November)
UNIBG IO Workshop, Passo del Tonale (December 10-13)
13th EIEF-UNIBO-IGIER IO Workshop, Bologna, December 2024
TSE Digital Conference (discussant), Toulouse, January 2025.
MACCI Workshop on Digital Markets, Mannheim, March 2025.
Seminar @ Universitè Paris Nanterre, March 18th 2025.
Seminar @ University of Namur, April 1st, 2025