I co-organize the following events in IO / Digital Economics

Together with Riccardo Camboni, Fabio Manenti, and Paola Valbonesi we started the Padova IO Workshop.

The 1st event will take palce on May, 29th.

I co-organize the Digital Economics session of the IBEO workshop in Alghero with Elias Carroni (UNIBO), Dimitri Paolini (UNISS) e Michelangelo Rossi (Télécom Paris, CREST, Institut Polytechnique de Paris).

The 2024's edition will take place on July 1-2

I co-organize the jDES with Fabrizio Ciotti e Jing Su (UCLouvain), Grazia Cecere (IMT Telecom Business School) e Michelangelo Rossi (Télécom Paris, CREST, Institut Polytechnique de Paris).

It is a monthly online seminar that takes place on Friday from 15:00 to 16:00 (CET) on Zoom (there may be some variations to accommodate speakers from other time zones).