Coding Platforms

This section covers all the different coding platforms for the LEGO EV3 Mindstorms Robotics Kit. This is an ongoing learning series for myself and those interested.

We are exploring

1. EV3 Software

2. MakeCode

3. Scratch 3.0

4. Python

Below you will find the comparison document we are creating and further down you will find links to videos and blog posts for each entry to learn more.

Coding Platforms

LEGO EV3 Mindstorms: LabView vs. MakeCode vs. Scratch 3.0 vs. Python

Code Download Requirements

Pairing Bricks to Coding Platforms

EV3 Software

MakeCode Pairing

Scratch 3.0 Pairing

Python Pairing

Getting Started Projects

MakeCode Try Experiment

Chromebook Compatibility

LEGO Flower Project

LEGO Line Follow Project

Bowling Challenge(Catapult)