Congratulations to the 2023 LECNY Teacher Grant recipient: 

Brenda Buckley (Syracuse City) 

This grant is awarded to a teacher to apply towards classroom projects, club formations or other special projects.  The grant money cannot be applied to conference registration fees or foreign travel expenses.  The award of $100 is presented to the winning teacher at the May Celebration. You must be a current member of LECNY to apply. 

Past winners of the LECNY Teacher Grant have used their award to purchase flexible seating options for the classroom, fund the establishment of a Spanish Honor Society through AATSP, purchase books and magazines for the classroom use and pay for shipping in the Traveling Suitcase program.  

The Teacher Grant application can be found here

Teacher Classroom Grant Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the LECNY Teacher Classroom Grant?


The purpose of the LECNY Teacher Classroom Grant is to reward and recognize world language educators for developing, implementing and evaluating programs that make an impact on language teaching and learning. This grant is available to public and non-public school educators, Pre-K 2, who are members in good standing of our organization. 

What is the LECNY Teacher Classroom Grant? 

It is a $100.00 grant available to LECNY member language teachers for use to institute, develop or continue a world language program. It may be used for classroom, language club and/or language honor society programs. It may be used for supplies and materials necessary to the program.

It may NOT be used for travel expenses, conference fees, substitute pay, membership fees or compensation.

What is the timeline?

Applications are available all year. Proposals must include the application, checklist and narrative. The proposal must be postmarked on or before April 1st. The grant winner(s) will be notified on or before April 20th. The grant award will be presented at the LECNY May Celebration. The grant must be implemented during the 2024-2025 school year. 

Who evaluates the grant applications? 

The applications will be read and rated by a LECNY committee using the rubric that is published on the LECNY website. 

What methods of dissemination are acceptable? 

Recipients of the teacher classroom grant are asked to share their project with the rest of the LECNY membership. Projects may be disseminated in any of the following ways: