Preparing my Students to Learn Remotely

New! The Student Learning Kit

Please check it out and share with your students – This resource will go a long way to supporting them, and you, in the coming weeks. The Student Learning Kit can be found here:

Consider these strategies to support students in the transition to remote learning:

  • Reduce workload for students on the first week as everyone adjusts to the new environment

  • Consider sending out a survey to your students to get their input/expectations

  • Focus on community; consider online ice-breakers to get everyone used to the new environment

  • Talk about your plan for the period of remote learning; review your course outline and critical path with your students, and discuss any changes to the assessment structure

  • Be open to students’ suggestions and ideas (where possible and appropriate)

  • As soon as possible, take the opportunity to set the tone in terms of norms and expectations

  • Wherever possible, be as flexible with students as possible; consider which activities need to be completed at the same time, and which can be done asynchronously so that students can be self-directed in their learning

  • Recognize the students may have feelings about the time apart; reassure students that you are all in this together, and that you are there to help them be successful

Resources for Student Support

Library Supports

  • Research Help: is available online. We have added quick links to Research Support and Research Appointment pages on the library website.

  • Borrowed Materials and Library Fines: Common questions about borrowed materials and library fines are covered on our Borrowing Services page.

  • Library Technical Support & Accessibility: Use the Contact Us page to inquire about library-related technical issues and accessibility support.