Todd Zoblotsky

Dr. Zoblotsky is a Research Associate Professor and Head of the Center for Research in Educational Policy (CREP) Statistics Department. He has extensive experience in providing accurate and meaningful data and reports to aid in the accountability and decision-making process regarding initiatives and programs affecting student success at the local, state, and federal levels. This included his past work as a Research Evaluator and the Coordinator of Assessment with Memphis City Schools, where he collaborated with principals and school staff in the analysis and interpretation of state assessment results. Dr. Zoblotsky also has broad experience in the areas of quantitative and qualitative research design and statistical analysis (including experimental (RCT) and quasi-experimental designs), in addition to instrument design and development, data collection, project management, data visualization, and report writing. He has conducted evaluations in multiple areas, including literacy, STEM education, teacher preparation, non-profit capacity building, after-school programs, and informal education programs, financial literacy, educational equity, college and career readiness (including for students receiving special education services), teacher professional development, economic impact studies, charter schools, university advising programs, technology (e.g., one-to-one computer initiatives), tutoring programs, and school climate. In his role as head of the CREP Statistics Department, Dr. Zoblotsky has worked with representatives from numerous states to collect and house personally identifiable data for both minors and adults and has the experience and knowledge related to the collection, storage, and reporting of sensitive data.