Squirrel AI Learning by Yixue

Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Shanghai, Squirrel AI Learning by Yixue Group is the first K12 EdTech company which specializes in intelligent adaptive education in China and is the market leader. Squirrel AI Learning is the first domestic adaptive learning engine based on the advanced algorithm and with the complete independent intellectual property developed by YiXue Education. Squirrel is the symbol for "agility, diligence and management." This aligns with the experience Squirrel AI Learning provides for its students, to help them advance learning through the real-time adaptive system and cultivate good learning habits with practice.

Like the AlphaGo simulated Go master, the AI system simulated human teacher giving the student a personalized learning plan and one-on-one tutoring, with 5 to 10 times higher efficiency than traditional instructions. Squirrel AI Learning offers the high-quality after-school courses in subjects such as Chinese, Math, English, Physics, and Chemistry. Powered by its proprietary AI-driven adaptive engine and custom-built courseware, The Squirrel AI Learning platform provides students with a supervised adaptive learning experience that has been proven to improve both student efficacy and engagement across its online learning platform and offline learning centers.

Up to now, Squirrel AI Learning has opened over 1700 schools and has 3,000 teaching staff in more than 200 cities across more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions in China. The three rounds of financing have helped Yixue accumulate over 100 million RMB (14 million USD). Investors include SIG, NGP, Jing Lin capital, CASH (Chinese Academy of Science Holdings) Capital, Greenwoods Investment, New Oriental Education (NYSE: EDU), Tomorrow Advancing Life, the Isle, and Yu Minhong (the founder of New Oriental Education).

It has established an artificial-intelligence-driven education laboratory in New York, and Yixue AI Lab with SRI International as the primary research partner and established major research collaborations with leading institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University, UC-Berkeley etc.

See squirrelai.com