Science Convergence

The LDI Convergence Framework

This page provides an overview and the key elements of the LDI Convergence Framework. The paper below also offers details about LDI's growing convergence research strategies and the LDI convergence framework:

Rus, V., Fancsali, S.E., Venugopal, D., Pavlik Jr., P., Graesser, A.C., Bowman, D., Ritter, and The LDI Team. (2021). The Learner Data Institute - Conceptualization: A Progress Report, Proceedings of The Second Workshop of the Learner Data Institute , The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021), June 29 - July 2 , Paris, France (held online). [PDF]


A major goal of LDI conceptualization phase is to develop, implement, test, and refine a framework for data-intensive research in science and engineering enabling science convergence, aligning with the Growing Convergence Research (GCR) “big idea” identified by the National Science Foundation.

According to NSF, “convergence research is a means of solving vexing research problems, in particular, complex problems focusing on societal needs. It entails integrating knowledge, methods, and expertise from different disciplines and forming novel frameworks to catalyze scientific discovery and innovation." Also, “convergence is a deeper, more intentional approach to the integration of knowledge, techniques, and expertise from multiple disciplines in order to address the most compelling scientific and societal challenges” (NSF-GCR, 2020).

NSF identifies Convergence Research as having two primary characteristics:

“Research driven by a specific and compelling problem. Convergence Research is generally inspired by the need to address a specific challenge or opportunity, whether it arises from deep scientific questions or pressing societal needs.”

“Deep integration across disciplines. As experts from different disciplines pursue common research challenges, their knowledge, theories, methods, data, research communities and languages become increasingly intermingled or integrated. New frameworks, paradigms or even disciplines can form sustained interactions across multiple communities” NSF-(GCR, 2020).

LDI’s compelling problem is making the learning ecosystem more effective, engaging, equitable, efficient, relevant, and affordable.

To foster deep integration across scientific disciplines, we have put in place a convergence framework, comprising a diverse team, organizational structures, processes, mechanisms, activities, and tools, meant to encourage broad participation, coordination, collaboration, and diffusion and integration of knowledge across disciplines.

LDI has intentionally sought, from its inception, to follow NSF’s characterization of convergence research by “intentionally bring[ing] together [from the inception] intellectually diverse researchers and stakeholders to frame … research questions, develop effective ways of communicating across disciplines and sectors, adopt common frameworks for their solution, and, when appropriate, develop a new scientific vocabulary.” (NSF-GCR, 2020) The LDI team seeks, where possible, to develop “sustainable relationships that may not only create solutions to the problem that engendered the collaboration, but also develop novel ways of framing related research questions and open new research vistas” (NSF-GCR, 2020).

To make these intentions a reality, LDI’s leadership team and participants have designed, prototyped, and tested a process and a corresponding set of tools designed to transform what is currently a loosely coupled group of research centers, AIS commercial providers, and governments research labs engaged in similar but disparate research and development efforts into a set of interacting teams (Berry, 2011; Lilian, 2014), in aggregate constituting a physical and virtual community of practice (Lave & Wenger, 1991). We have not and will not attempt to “tighten” the coupling between participating research centers. As Weik (1991) has argued in respect to educational systems, loosely coupled systems have several advantages over tightly coupled ones—not least flexibility, survivability (with dysfunction in individual nodes tolerable), and increased likelihood of beneficial “mutations.” Rather, LDI’s leadership has intended to design and test a set of processes and tools that will support the independent work of the participating research centers, facilitate the flow of information and ideas within and across these centers, and help to keep participants focused on common problems without the need for direct intervention (e.g., in the form of a top-down, tightly controlled research agenda).

LDI’s team structure and processes enable the harnessing and diffusion of expertise from various areas in an efficient and effective way while fostering individual initiative and interests. For example, LDI team members were encouraged in the conceptualization phase to propose prototyping tasks that they are interested in and which fit the LDI mission statement (see more details later). Organizational structures and processes are intentionally open, flexible, and scalable to enable the LDI to grow and transform based on emerging findings and partnerships with other NSF-supported HDR teams.

The Key Elements of The LDI Convergence Framework

The key elements of the LDI convergence framework are listed below.

· Mission/Common Goal

· An intellectually diverse team with stakeholder representation (researchers, developers, practitioners including school and teachers’ representatives)

· An effective and efficient team structure

· Activities and processes that foster cross-discipline interactions

· Processes, mechanisms, and tools to nurture collaboration, broad participation, diffusion and integration of knowledge across disciplines, and coordination

· Resources, in terms of funding, student support, travel, and access to big edu-data and other cyber-infrastructure resources

· Incentives for team members to proactively and deeply engage in convergent activities and working towards accomplishing the goal/mission of the team which is to solve the compelling problem:

o Resources

o Freedom to propose research tasks that fit their own interests and align with the LDI mission

o Bottom-up and top-down strategies for agenda setting

o Semi-autonomous teams/groups

o Flexible, open structure

· Progress monitoring and refinement of the convergence framework

Additional Information about The LDI Convergence Framework

Our framework will enable team members to develop a shared vision and language, which over time should lead to effective and meaningful cross-discipline, collaborations, i.e., science convergence. Such mutual sense- making, science convergence, and R&D efforts are likely to incubate solutions to complex problems to enable effective, efficient, engaging, equitable, and affordable learning experiences for everyone. We detail next the main components of our science convergence framework.

The Learner Data Institute has ambitious goals for advancing how we approach education. We characterize the manifestation of these changes as Transformative Applications. This is akin to the creation of ImageNet from the existing, but underutilized, repository of millions of image files. Structuring how we approach such a massive undertaking lends itself to the delineation of Concrete Tasks that contribute to the overall goal, but have circumscribed, tangible resources and goals.

The LDI is profoundly interdisciplinary—ranging from data science and psychology to learning science and statistics. To work toward our goals requires creative and flexible methods for science convergence. This involves one grouping of our members within fields of expertise (Expert Panels) to refine and advance proposed Concrete Tasks. Expert Panels also identify key strategic areas of investments related to fundamental issues, both in education and in data science. These may be specific aspects of deep learning, Markov logic, experimental design, assessment, etc.

Another grouping is interdisciplinary, or perhaps transdisciplinary (Mutual Interest Groups), grouped around a theme that requires diverse expertise to encapsulate and grow. These groups are not defined by centralized leadership, but arise epiphenomenally from the gathering of researchers and practitioners with disparate expertise but unified vision.


Team Structure

LDI is led by the Institute of Intelligent Systems at The University of Memphis and main corporate partner Carnegie Learning, developer of commercial-grade AISs serving over 500,000 students in 2,000+ school districts. The assembled team now spans 14 main organizations on 3 continents, including NSF-funded partners such as the Institute for Data, Econometrics, Algorithms, and Learning (IDEAL; NSF HDR TRIPODS project led by researchers at Northwestern University) and LearnSphere: Building a Scalable Infrastructure for Data-Driven Discovery and Innovation in Education (NSF DIBBs project; Carnegie Mellon University lead). In addition, partners include researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders from the US Army’s Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring project (Sottilare et al, 2016) and 6 additional corporate partners, 3 laboratory schools (The Early Learning & Research Center, Campus Elementary School, and University Middle School in Memphis, TN), 3 K-12 school districts - Shelby County Schools (Memphis, TN area; 200 schools, 100,000 students), Brockton Public Schools (Boston, MA area; 24 schools, 15,000 students), Val Verde Unified School District (Los Angeles, California area; 21 schools, 20,000 students), and one teacher training program at Christian Brothers University.

The team structure consists of a leadership team, domain-oriented Expert Panels, and task-oriented groups that in the conceptualization phase have driven prototyping projects for very concrete, well-defined tasks, hence called concrete tasks.

The LDI Core Leadership Team is responsible for overseeing and coordinating LDI activities, making sure those activities align with the mission of the institute and offering necessary support for cohesiveness of activities. The Leadership Team consists of Lead Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Vasile Rus, Carnegie Learning Principal Investigator Dr. Stephen Fancsali (co-PI), and co-PIs from University of Memphis: Dr. Dale Bowman, Dr. Philip Pavlik, and Dr. Deepak Venugopal. Project coordinator Jody Cockroft, Senior Research Scientist Dr. Donald Morrison, Dr. Arthur Graesser, a Professor Emeritus at The University of Memphis round out the Leadership Team.

LDI Expert Panels are homogeneous in terms of expertise in order to maximize intellectual coverage of particular research areas, as individual researchers are specialized in different subareas of a relatively broad area such as Data Science or Learning Science. Expert Panels were composed in this homogenous way to encourage meaningful discussions from the start leading to more efficient and engaging conversations early on, benefitting team building and engagement. Cross-domain interactions are more challenging. One major purpose of LDI is to engage our team members (including Expert Panels) in cross-domain interactions that develop shared sense making, a common language, and mission-driven culture over time.

The role of the Expert Panels is twofold: (1) to provide solid (breadth and depth) input from an area of expertise to all LDI efforts such as concrete prototyping tasks that are being carried out in the Phase 1 conceptualization and (2) to help shape the 5-year plan for Phase 2 by identifying opportunities for investment (i.e., promising developments in one area that could benefit the other areas or specific activities of the institute).

The following Expert Panels were initially formed: Data Science, K-12 Education, Learning Sciences, Learning Systems Engineering, Ethics & Equity, and Human-Technology Frontier. Expert Panel membership is flexible; LDI participants may belong to more than one Expert Panel but must be actively engaged in at least one. Expert Panels have co-leaders who are responsible for ensuring that the panels successfully reach milestones (e.g., reviewing concrete tasks).

Concrete tasks or “Scale-Up Projects” are prototyping endeavors led by individual researchers (see the section on Building Prototypes for Concrete Tasks later). Examples of concrete tasks include projects directed at scaling data-driven domain model refinement, using auto-encoders for student assessment, and data-driven instructional strategy discovery.