Stream pollution 6 December 2015 - upper Le Roys Bush - low fish numbers

A regular visitor to Le Roys Bush has reported some unusual pollution and scum in the upper LRB stream near the new board walk.

If you are aware of where this might be coming from, please email - preferable with photos and a description of the location.

This pollution has not yet been reported (as at 5.30 6Dec2015)

1. Scum on the jumping kokopu pool.

This pool used to be crystal clear and the jumping kokopu were readily visible.

Unfortunately the fish have disappeared since Feb 2015 during the period when the location was under OSH control and no inspections were permitted.

In the months from August 2015 to Dec 2015, only one fish has been seen in the kokopu pool. Prior to track construction starting there were a dozen fish of various sizes.

Because no monitoring was permitted, it is impossible to know why they have disappeared.

Overall fish numbers in the upper stream are significantly lower than in 2014. No new fish have been identified this year. Hopefully further research may identify why this is.

2. Sediment on leaves

3.1 Scum on top of pool (pool located at xxxx)

3.2 Scum on top of pool - another view

3.3 Scum on top of pool - looking upstream

4. General stream quality

5. This pool used to be deep and clear. Now silted up and cloudy. 2015-12-06