Memories of Le Roys Bush and LSB

Maori Orchard in the area now known as Lutners Reserve

Not much is known about the Maori Orchard - but in 2012, researchers from Council suspected that this photo may show the area. In 2014, we were advised by a Wilding Ave resident that the Maori Gardens were on the hill between Wilding Ave and Seaview Ave - just near the midden.

Historical photos of Le Roys Bush - if you have any other photos we'd love to load them here.

Memoirs of Mr W J Ungemuth which talk of the Maori's Orchard

The bush reserve below Seaview Ave was known as the Maori’s Orchard. There were a few old fruit trees but quite a large area became engulfed in eleagnus. Near the Seaview Ave track where a storm water pipe comes down a bank, there used to be a big old Puriri tree in which, for as long as I could remember, there was a hive of wild bees. On the bank above was a very big Pohutukawa, which hung down and was semi-supported by the Puriri. In the early 1950s I worked away from Auckland, and while home on leave, I was dismayed to find that these two trees had been felled. No doubt they had grown a bit too tall and were obstructing someone’s view! Once this overhead canopy was removed, various weeds and ginger took over. Here we have a case where nature in the form of the interloper eleagnus, is being allowed to get out of control and kill off the remnants of the orchard and other trees and ferns, while on the other hand someone interfered with nature and destroyed two big healthy native trees that could have been one or two hundred years old. Perhaps in the fullness of time and with a bit of help from tree lovers, nature will take over and some native trees will again dominate this area. Nearby in spring, I welcome the sight of a clematis in bloom.

For a full copy of these memoirs see the Little Shoal Bay Protection Society's page (C) M Ungemuth

Wernham Place

We are told that the eight Kauri behind the properties at 31 and 33 Wernham Place on the edge of the bush were planted by Mr Wernham, the former principal of Northcote College. There used to be a track into Le Roys just before the left turn - but it was closed due to the slippery entrance. [AG}

More information and photos

Stretching across the middle of this aerial photo, Lower Le Roys Bush in 1946

In the top right of this aerial photo, upper Le Roys Bush in 1946

Photo credit - Whites Aviation

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See also the Little Shoal Bay Protection Society's page: