
     Latter Day Saint Ancestral Families Association (LDSAFA) is a free registration, publication and support consortium for LDS Ancestral Family Organizations (AFOs).  There are no costs for LDS AFOs to register and participate in LDSAFA, and all LDSAFA members are entitled to use the LDSAFA Member Seal (shown below) and receive free listing, publicity and news reports on matters pertaining to LDS AFOs.

There are only three Registration Requirements to freely join LDSAFA:

 1.) You must be an officer or designated representative of an LDS Ancestral Family Organization (AFO). 

 2.) Your LDS Ancestral Family Organization must have and show its organizational structure,--with specific officers and organizational objectives, and have a dedicated Internet site that is easily and freely viewable to the public.

 3.) Your LDS Ancestral Family Organization must be active and post updates to its website yearly.  An active LDS Ancestral Family Organization is one that shows yearly functionality--with genealogical projects or historical activities for its members.

      If you meet the above three requirements, please email the following five items of Required Registration Information to LDSAFA via:


Required Registration Information:

 1) Your organization’s name.

 2) Your organization’s URL (Internet) address.

 3) Your full name.

 4) The position you hold within the organization.

 5) Your email contact information.

Email inquiries about LDSAFA to: