2019 RootsTech
LDSAFA Officials Participated in RootsTech 2019
LDSAFA Officials Participated in RootsTech 2019
LDSAFA officials and members attended and participated in RootsTech 2019, which was held in the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, from February 27 through March 2, 2019.
At this conference several LDSAFA officials presented a class/session on Strengthening LDS Family Organizations Through DNA which was held in Room 155 F at 1:30 PM on Saturday, March 2, 2019 (described below). Forty-five people attended this presentation.
Strenthening LDS Family Organizations Through DNA (2019 RootsTech PDF file)
These LDSAFA publications are freely available online:
Strenthening LDS Family Organizations Through DNA (2019 RootsTech PDF file)
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