2021 Press

San Francisco Chronicle DateBook Pick!

"Even in a theatrical era defined by loss and work-arounds, new companies are still being born. And one of the most recent newcomers, the Filipino American outfit Chikahan Company, is entering Bay Area theater with a play that both speaks acutely to our present moment and opens wide into the wilds of myth.

Lauren Andrei Garcia and Conrad A. Panganiban’s “The Act of Care” begins at a hospital’s night shift, as a pair of overtaxed nurses try to take care of a corpse. Soon, the bad news comes: There’s a mysterious virus, but only their hospital seems to be affected." -Lily Janiak

Bay Area Plays

"Bay Area playwrights Conrad A. Panganiban and Lauren Andrei Garcia have been commissioned by the company for that first production, an exploration of Filipina healthcare workers in the American healthcare system. "

Lauren as Sue in Good. Better. Best. Bested.

"Kudos, [Lauren Andrei] acts her roles with able panache." —

"Lauren Andrei shines as drama-queen Sue..." —

"[Lauren Andrei] stands out among the cast for the differentiating nuances she bring to her roles." —

Lauren as Hymenia in Congresswomen

​"Sexy Hymenia enlivens matters as [she] snipes at each [character], continuously." —