

The Dehn surgery characterisation of Whitehead doubles (arXiv:2304.04349, submitted) 

A slope p/q is characterising for a knot K if the oriented homeomorphism type of the manifold obtained by Dehn surgery of slope p/q on K uniquely determines the knot K. We combine analysis of JSJ decompositions with techniques involving lengths of shortest geodesics to find explicit conditions for a slope to be characterising for K in the case where K is any hyperbolic knot or any satellite knot by a hyperbolic pattern. Assuming that the list of 2-cusped orientable hyperbolic 3-manifolds obtained using the computer programme SnapPea is complete up to a certain point, we use hyperbolic volume inequalities to generate a refinement for the special case of Whitehead doubles. We also construct pairs of multiclasped Whitehead doubles of double twist knots for which 1/q is a non-characterising slope. 


Characterising slopes for satellite knots of hyperbolic type

Joint with Patricia Sorya

The aim of this project is to determine explicit conditions under which a slope p/q is characterising for a satellite knot whose complement admits a hyperbolic outermost JSJ piece with any number n of cusps. The cases where n=2 and n=3 require special attention. 

Quasiquadruple grid diagrams for Lagrangian surfaces

Joint with Shintaro Fushida-Hardy and Devashi Gulati

Analogously to triple grid diagrams encoding Lagrangians in $\mathbb{CP}^2$, we introduce a notion of quadruple grid diagrams encoding Lagrangians in $\mathbb{CP}^1 x \mathbb{CP}^1$. We investigate how to reconcile the geometry with the combinatorics and give some examples. 

This project began at the Summer Trisectors Workshop (2022)

Sliceness of Whitehead doubles of (2, 2k+1)-torus knots

Joint with Charles Stine

We use RBG links to construct a knot with the same 0-trace as a satellite knot which is concordant to the Whitehead double of a (2,2k+1)-torus knot. This has potential applications to open questions about sliceness. 

Realising any slope as non-characterising

Joint with Kyle Hayden and Lisa Piccirillo

Given any slope p/q, can we find two knots K and K' which share homeomorphic p/q-surgeries? Under investigation! 


PhD thesis

A hyperbolic perspective on the Dehn surgery characterisation problem 

Please note: there are some mistakes in the final chapter. Contact me if you would like to access the corrected version.