Completed Thesis
PhD Thesis & students
I was tutor and supervisor of Dott. Federica Rollo, PhD student of the XXXVI Cycle at the International Doctorate School in "Information and Communication Technologies" of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, from 2018 till 2021. She got the PhD in March 2022, discussing a thesis entitled "Towards sustainability and safety solutions in a Smart City".
I was co-tutor and supervisor of Dott. Fabio Benedetti, enrolled at the International Doctorate School in "Information and Communication Technologies" of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, from 2013 till 2015. He wrote a thesis entitled Revealing the underlying structure of Linked Open Data for enabling visual querying.
I am member of the College of the INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) Doctoral School at the University Modena and Reggio Emilia.
I am the tutor and supervisor of the following Phd students:
Bachechi Chiara, PhD students of XXXVI Cycle of the ICT Doctorate School with a research topic on "Mobility Data Modelling and Mining for Smart Cities"
Bonisoli Giovanni, PhD students of XXXVII Cycle of the ICT Doctorate School with a research topic on "Deep learning for Event Extraction from Web Data Streams"
Casari Martina, PhD students of XXXVII Cycle of the ICT Doctorate School with a research topic on "Artificial intelligence techniques to tackle urban air pollution" granted by "Dottorati di ricerca su tematiche green e dell’innovazione: nuove risorse dal PON Ricerca e Innovazione 14-20" D.M. n. 1061 del 10-8-2021
Degree Thesis
I have been the supervisor of several Bachelor and Master thesis at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Between 2019 and 2024 [march], there were:
14 internships and bachelor's theses by undergraduate students in Computer Engineering.
8 internships and master's theses by graduate students in Computer Engineering.
19 internships and bachelor's theses by undergraduate students in Management Engineering.
2 internships and master's theses by graduate students in Management Engineering.
Some of the thesis are available here:
Eros Bignardi, Implementazione e ottimizzazione dei sistemi di Business Intelligence in CPL CONCORDIA, Master Degree in Computer Engineering, 2022.
Davide Malvezzi, Aggregazione e visualizzazione gerarchica di sorgenti Linked Open Data, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, 2017.
Alessandro Facchini, Applicazione dispositivi mobili per gare di regolarità auto d’epoca, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, 2013.
Marco Maria Santese, Sistemi open source di integrazione di dati: MOMIS e Pentaho Data Integration a confronto, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, 2012.
Romel Nelson Djoumessi: Realizzazione di un database per l'integrazione dei voti provenienti dall'applicativo ESSE3, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, 2012.
Davide Setti: L'Intelligenza Artificiale nei Giochi: il Caso World of Warcraft, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering.
Emmanuele Benatti: Reingegnerizzazione del sistema di gestione di un magazzino LOGIMAT, Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering.