Raptor Works

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What is Raptor Works?

Raptor Works is a machine learning and data science club created in collaboration with Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory. We will focus on introducing the various applications of machine learning and data science in fields such as medicine, cybersecurity, and more! We will give lectures, guide student projects, and invite guest speakers. Plus, there will be snacks :). We will be meeting during lunch on Tuesday's in Mr. Mueller's room (506). Beginners are welcome!

Email: lasaraptorworks@gmail.com

Instagram: @lasaraptorworks

Meet the Officers! 

Christine Tian

Hi! I'm Christine! I am a senior and I'm excited to be this year's Raptor Works president! I started this club to introduce more people to the wonders that are machine learning and data science! BWSI was such a unique and fun experience for me that only deepened my interest in CS, so I want to be able to help others find their passion in CS. I was part of the Medlytics course at BWSI where we focused on machine learning and data science in the medical field. For my group's final project, we developed an app that could detect the severity of Parkinson's from a patient's voice. I have extensive research experience in bioinformatics and I'm even published in a peer reviewed journal!

Michelle Lu

Hi everyone! I'm Michelle, and I'm a senior! I'm really excited to be this year's Raptor Works vice president and outreach chair! I have research experience regarding social phenomena such as differences in self perception among different cultures, and I am semi-experienced in bio-related subjects! I am still a beginner in CS, but I'd love to try something new and learn more along with you.

Ram Sivaraman

Hello! My name is Ram, and I am a sophomore. I am co-president for Raptor Works club. I started this club in partnership with Christine Tian. I am a BWSI alum and have done courses the last three summers. All of these courses have opened immense opportunities to learn and expand my skills in machine learning, data sciences, and more. I am passionate about sharing this knowledge and experience with a larger community.  I have worked on several machine learning research projects that have won regional and state awards. Some have been selected at a national level (Broadcom Masters Top 300). 

This Week's Presentation

Image Classification

Shelmond wants you to join Raptor Works