LASA Computer Science Clubs

Welcome to the LASACS Clubs website! Here, you can learn more about the LASACS community, see LASACS's comprehensive club offerings, and sign up for clubs you'd like to be a part of. 


Are you in our Discord? Join the LASACS Discord server, home to more than 160 LASACS students like you interested in computer science. In the server, you can get tutoring help, speak with the community, and stay up-to-date on useful information and announcements.

Click here to join



Computer science is a broad field in which everyone can find a place for them. In fact, LASACS is composed of six clubs, each specializing in a different area of computer science -- so don't be afraid to try out a few clubs and see which interest you most! Feel free to look at the information below and take a look at the slideshow at the bottom of this page to learn more about each of our comprehensive offerings.

All CS clubs meet in Mr. Shockey's classroom, room 505 (except RaptorWorks in Mr. Mueller's classroom, 506) during lunch. Below is a list of all the LASACS clubs:

Click on club names to go to their relevant pages

All of our clubs are set up so that no experience is required. If you have any questions, feel free to speak with a captain or member of any club -- we're always available on Discord or on days our clubs meet.

If you're interested in joining any of our clubs, feel free to show up at any time! We'd also appreciate it if you also filled out this form to let us know you're interested and want to receive updates and relevant information.

LASACS Clubs Slideshow

View the slideshow below for more information about the different CS clubs at LASA.

1.1 - First Day (2nd Wednesday)

LASACS Instagram

Visit the official LASACS Instagram here! 
