Paper Writing eBooklet (and outlining video)

In my first semester of teaching, I created an 8-page guide to support my students in writing strong papers. In the subsequent years, I have both refined and expanded the guide. You can download my eBooklet, Excellent Work!” How to create fabulous college-level research papers your professors will love whether or not you are my student -- hopefully, it has a wide application for a lot of people!  Anyone is welcome to download the booklet for free, and that is the intention for CCSF students, however, if you are not a CCSF student or wish to support my efforts, you may also purchase it on Amazon for $2.99.

There are many resources linked in the eBooklet, but one of the main ones is a video walkthrough I completed around the process of organizing sources and creating a rudimentary outline. Though this is just my technique, I find it to be applicable to a wide range of students.  Even if you do not engage with the eBooklet as a whole, I hope this video gives you some ideas about organizing your work (this also applies to presentations or any other project where you need to use sources).  

Please note that some of the details referenced in the video are about an old paper assignment I used, and an old version of the eBooklet I called the College-Level Research Paper Writing Guide. So don't worry about those details!