Lectures on YouTube

Are you curious about my classes but aren't yet ready to register? Or do you want to get a feel for the class before it begins? Has a friend or family member talked to you about something they learned in one of my classes (part of several assignments!) and you want to learn more? Well, you're in the right place!  This page provides you with two things: the playlists for each of my current classes so you can have a taste of what each offers (mind you that I use many resources in class besides my own lectures, so these are just a very small portion of what we do!), and some "greatest hits" of lectures that are consistently useful and popular with students.  

Please note: I recently moved all my lectures from Zoom to YouTube, so if you are working with links from before 2022, they won't work!  If you're having trouble finding something you wanted to see and had a Zoom link for, please let me know.

Course Playlists

PSYC 1: General Psychology

SOC 11: Introduction to Social Work and Human Services

SOC 12: Social Work Practicum (only one video here, this is a work experience course!)