Support for Improving Your Grade

Inevitably, we all struggle now and again with academic progress.  Perhaps there's something significant going on in our personal lives, or a health issue, or maybe school has always been a challenge, or any number of other possibilities. No matter the reason, there's nearly always a way to improve the situation.  On this page, I offer you some support and guidance around improving your grades.  Please read through it carefully before beginning work on the Grade Improvement Worksheet, but you might find it useful to keep the worksheet open while you do. 

Identifying the source of the problem

Before you can address the problem, you need to know what it is!  On the Grade Improvement Worksheet you are asked to look at the issues that are standing in your way.  Be honest -- this document is to help us work together to help you, so it's no use if you don't include everything. Some common issues are: 

There are many more possible sources of difficulty for struggling students; every situation is unique, so you might have only one from the list above, many, or none as your issue isn't listed.  Think deeply about what's preventing you from doing well in this class, and write it down in enough detail so I can understand it and help you work through it.

Determining what you can do to improve your grade

You can't possibly improve your grade if you don't understand it! This is where the "Grades" link will help you. It's best to look at this on a computer if you can, so you can see more of it at once. Use the view shown here for a good overview of your grades (as opposed to the "table" type view). 

Grades link

In order to understand what on your Grades page you can change and what you cannot, it's useful to remember the following policies:

Creating a (realistic!) plan

Thinking about the future

Based on the policies discussed above, I hope it's clear you will need to focus your attention going forward on:

Note: Do not make the mistake of thinking you will just leave your late assignments to the end of the semester to submit.  This never works out, because the end of the semester is so intensely busy, and because works submitted that way almost always is rushed and of poor quality.  Plus, you won't get full credit, even if they are excellent. So don't wait!


Go back into the Grade Improvement Worksheet and make a list of assignments you should go back and do, in order of importance. Hints for determining importance:

Future success based on past success

Before you do anything else to create a plan, think back on a time when you were successful in school (if you never had any successful times, you wouldn't be here because you wouldn't have finished high school/gotten your GED/be taking college classes -- give yourself some credit!).  What was working for you then?  What about that situation facilitated your success?  What's different now? Is there something you can do to "recreate the magic?"

Finalizing your plan 

Now that you have identified the issue, thought through what you can do based on the policies of the class, prioritized your tasks in the Grade Improvement Worksheet, and considered some ideas about how you might succeed based on your past experiences, it's time to create a plan!

Hint: I highly recommend you create your plan with close attention to what's going on in your life an other classes!  If you have created a due date for yourself for all your back assignments on the same day your brother is getting married, you'll have a hard time succeeding; likewise, if you plan to "have everything in by the last day of finals" but forgot that you have three other classes all with major final projects and exams, you're not going to have the time.  Don't forget to plan around your life in a realistic way!

Using the worksheet

The Grade Improvement Worksheet is a tool I created for you to help you organize your plan for passing your course.  You are not required to complete it in order for me to help you (come to office hours and we can talk in real time, we can go through it together!) but I will always strongly encourage you to do it -- it helps you identify everything that's holding you back, as well as a possible solutions and a plan you create for remediation. This is your grade and its your job to improve it, so use the tools I provide in order to help!

Getting help

There are so many ways to get academic and other help at CCSF.  In Canvas, in the same menu as the Grades link discussed above, is a link titled "Tutoring," where you can get excellent academic support.  This is a great resource, but not the only one!  See some of my favorite CCSF resources for help with everything from academics to food.

Remaining accountable and making realistic decisions

Many times in every semester, students with perhaps a 30% in the class will tell me they will "try harder" and "get caught up."  The majority of the time, they fail to formulate a workable plan to get caught up and stay caught up, and if the semester is half or more over when we start discussing it I have actually never seen one of these students get caught up (that's not to say it'll never happen, but it seems pretty unlikely).  The moral of the story isn't "give up" -- far from it!  The moral is, "get help early," and "be realistic."  It's on you to reach out to me if you are struggling in order to get help. If you don't have a realistic chance of getting caught up in the class, I will often encourage you to take the W and return in a future semester to start fresh; this isn't giving up as long as you come back, it's learning from your experience, getting organized, and setting yourself up for future success -- and a W is much better than an F! 

I am here to support you, and CCSF has many resources designed to help you succeed academically and in other areas of your life. If you are struggling with this class, please complete the worksheet, come talk to me during office hours or send me a message, and lets find a way to help you be successful, whatever that might look like in your circumstance. 

Continue to the Grade Improvement Worksheet now!