Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) in Sayabury Province Lao Biodiversity

Posted on 10/12/2013 by erinloury

Project Location: Sayabury Province, Laos

Project Dates: 1/7/2011 to 30/1/ 2012

Donor: GIZ

Project objective:

The initiative focuses on the development of a feasible Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) concept for REDD in Lao PDR, having a strong emphasis on LCs and ethnic minorities. The FPIC pilot initiative within the Climate Protection through avoided deforestation (CLIPAD) programme areas draws on lesions and expertise from the ASEN region and aims at defining appropriate strategies for implementing FPIC for REDD in Lao PDR. Ultimately, the process should result in communities that understand their involvement in the CliPAD project and give wide community consent to their participation.

Selected Results:

  • Develop suitable information material on Climate change and REDD targeting to the LCs and ethnic minorities within the villages of the CliPAD programme areas

  • Select training villages and conduct FPIC consultation at village level using a stepwise approach with intermediate lessons learned to improve the consultations and dealing with the following tasks: