Past Experiences

  1. Phou Taxan Biodiversity conservation area (23, 635, 88 ha) and livelihood development for people project in Gnot Ou district, Phonsaly province, Northern Laos, supported by Bread for the World (BfdW), Germany; 110,000 Euro, in 2010-June 2012

  2. 3 Schools constructed in Phongsaly district, Phongsaly province, (North Laos), supported by Margareta Weisser Foundation, Germany; 30,000 USD, in 2011.

  3. Scaling Up Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in Paksong district, Champasak Province – Lao PDR, supported by Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) and World Bank (WB); 50,000 USD, in March 2012 – June 2013.

  4. Handicraft and skill Formation Centre in Somkham village, Somkham cluster, Gnot Ou district, Phongsaly province (North Laos), supported by Helvetas and GEF SGP-UNDP; 75,000 USD, in 2011-2012.

  5. REDD in Sekong province (South Laos), supported by GAPE and Norad; 23,000 USD, in 2011.

  6. FPIC (REDD) in Xayaboury (Central Laos), cooperation/partner with MoAF and supported by GIZ; 35,000 USD, in 2012.

  7. Palm forest (Palm leave for manuscript) conservation in Lamam district, Sekong province (South Laos), supported by GEF SGP-UNDP; 35,000 USD, in 2010-2011.

  8. Conservation gibbon in PhouDendin national park at Phonsaly province, supported by IUCN and FFI; 10,000 USD, in December 2012 to 2013.

  9. Evaluation impact assessment (EIA) in Schoold at Nonghat district, Xiengkhoung provine, supported by Child Fund Lao; 15,000 USD, in September 2012- June 2013.

  10. Construction the clean watery systerm for villagere in rural area, supported by Luxembourg embassy; 22,600 Euro, in November 2011-2012-September 2013.

  11. The National Polyvalent Research Centre of Herbarium, supervised by the National Council of Science (Cooperation with Sud Expert Plante of France), 15, 000 USD, in 2011-2012.

  12. Organic Vegetable small projects in Vientiane Capital and Luang Prabang (supported by EPF and DED), 25,000 Euro, in 2009-2010.

  13. Home gradient in Savang village, Gnot Ou district, Phonsaly province, supported by Concern Worldwide, 23,000 USD, in 2010.

  14. Small donations to the most disinherited and poor people (supported by the Lao Croix Rouge and Individuals).