Hilda Tran

Hi guys my name is Hilda and I am 21 years old. I've always loved learning new languages which is why I am in this Modern Languages program. I am currently studying Spanish and this is hopefully my last semester at Dawson. After graduation, I plan to study kinesiology or therapeutic recreation at university while I keep learning languages as a hobby. I look forward to this semester and to everyone's project for this class.



  1. Personality Shifts Depending on the Spoken Language

Being in a diverse country, it is only natural that I would be surrounded by people speaking different languages. One thing that I have noticed is that when I am used to speaking to them in a language, I would get surprised by how differently they would act while speaking another language. The pitch, the behaviour, the way of thinking or the body language can change. Some may say that they are more expressive of their emotions when speaking their second language.

Link related to the subject: https://hugagroup.medium.com/do-you-feel-like-a-different-person-when-you-speak-a-foreign-language-here-is-why-61046ca3d4d3

  1. ISN - Nicaraguan Sign Language

I have always been interested in sign languages and decided that I can do my project on ISN (Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua) is Nicaragua's sign language that is developed by deaf children. This is an interesting topic because linguists see it as a way to study the development of a new language.

Link related to the subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaraguan_Sign_Language


I have chosen to do my final project on the cultural identity associated with the language spoken.

At the beginning of this video, the speaker, Robyn Giffen, talks about how the spoken language can identify who we are. Although Canadians and Americans have similar ways of talking, there are a few ways of differencing both languages. It can be differentiated by the words we choose to use or the way we write. For example, it is more common in Canada to use the word "toque" while Americans will use the word "beanie". Also, since Canada's writing system follows the British, we would write certain words with the letter "u" such as colour, favour or labour.

Jassa Ahluwalia shares his cultural identity problems that many of us can relate to. He is half British and half Indian, he is connected to both cultures. He shares stories and remarks about his multiculturalism. One of them is of him singing a song about Indians ways of pronouncing English words with his Punjabi friend in class. Only he would get scolded by his South Asian teacher for being disrespectful. He can't help but think that only he got scolded because he is British while his friend didn't get any warning because he is Indian.

Works Cited:

TEDx Talk. "Both Not Half: How language shapes identity | Jassa Ahluwalia | TEDxChandigarh" YouTube, 13 Aug. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP0bAQ8J6C0.

TEDx Talk. "Identifying Yourself Through Language | Robyn Giffen | TEDxUBCOkanagan" YouTube, 7 Aug. 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr68goQ1d0s.


I have found an article that can be very useful as an introduction to this project. As indicated in the title, "What is Cultural Identity and Why is It Important?" by Victoria Wilson addresses the "what" and the "why" of cultural identity. I will mainly focus on the "what is cultural identity".

What is cultural identity?: "Culture, in this context, refers to the beliefs, norms, behaviors, and values that a given group of people deem acceptable. Whereas identity is about knowing what is acceptable and true for yourself. We form a cultural identity when we subconsciously interpret and incorporate signals from the world around us into our own identity so we can belong." (Wilson)

What can influence a person's cultural identity?: Our family of origin, race, local community, geography, gender, religion, sexuality, generation, physical ability, nationality, and language can have an influence on a person's life from birth. Educational institutions, professional organizations, social clubs, online communities, political or special interest groups, and support groups can influence a person as they navigate through life.

Why is it important?: "Our cultural identity influences how we interpret and react to situations, so it is important that we become aware of our own identity in relation to the world around us." (Wilson)

I found this picture as I was searching for resources. I believe this picture will be very useful as it shows elements that can shape a person's cultural identity. These elements can be my sub-topics.

Works Cited:

Wilson, Victoria. "What is Cultural Identity and Why is It Important?" Exceptional Futures. https://www.exceptionalfutures.com/cultural-identity/.


Identity vs. Foreign Language and Culture in Production of Speech Acts

This article is written by Dasa Munkova, Eva Stranovska, Zuzana Fraterova and Beata Durachova in 2013. This article focuses on how language can be impactful to a person. More specifically about how one's comprehension and production of speech acts in their mother tongue and in the acquired language.

Work Cited:

Munková, Daša, et al. “ Identity vs. Foreign Language and Culture in Production of Speech Acts.” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 84, July 9, 2013, pp. 361-366. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=edselp&AN=S1877042813016340&site=eds-live&scope=site.

Language and Cultural Identity: A Study of Hmong Students at the Postsecondary Level

This research article is written by Susan Bosher, a professor at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1997. This is a study on the language and cultural identity of children of first-generation immigrants of the United States. This research will address how they will adapt to the new American culture while keeping their ethnic identity and how it can affect their self-esteem, psychological well-being, adjustment to a new society, and academic while also talking about second language acquisition.

Work Cited:

Bosher, Susan. “Language and Cultural Identity: A Study of Hmong Students at the Postsecondary Level.” TESOL Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 3, Autumn 1997, pp.593-603. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2182/stable/3587843.


People identify themselves depending on their cultural identity which is shaped by elements in their lives such as their ethnicity, gender, social class or language.


Ethnic and National Identity Development Processes: The Role of Cultural Behaviours and Gender

This academic journal is written in January 2022 in Canada by Cindy Quan and Catherine L. Costigan who are from the department of psychology and Karen M. Kobayashi from the department of sociology. All three authors are from the University of Victoria.

The purpose of this journal is to study the interrelations between Chinese and Canadian identity development during adolescence for a period of 18 months. To do so, they observed adolescents with a Chinese background and foreign-born parents. Of those adolescents, 80.2% of them are also foreign-born. This journal examines ethnic and national identity processes in adolescence and over time, cultural behaviours and identity development, gender in Asian stereotypes and its identity development, experiences of identity belonging and exploration, and cultural behaviours that facilitate identity development. It is concluded in this study that both males and females have a good sense of cultural identity and similar patterns of interrelation among identity belonging and exploration. However, there were two exceptions. Males would not always have a strong sense of Chinese identity belonging. The other exception is that if a male has a stronger sense of Canadian identity then their sense of Chinese identity will also increase while it is the opposite for females. If their sense of Canadian identity is stronger, then they have a less sense of Chinese identity.

Work Cited:

Quan, Cindy et al. "Ethnic and National Identity Development Processes: The Role of Cultural Behaviors and Gender." Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 1-12. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=pdh&AN=2021-66323-001&site=eds-live&scope=site


Converging identities: Dimensions of acculturation and personal identity status among immigrant college students

This journal article is written in 2013 by Seth, J. Schwartz, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Robert S. Weisskirch, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Su Yeong Kim, Byron L. Zamboanga, Larry FĂ© Forthun, Wim Beyers, and Kowen Luyckx who are all from different university across the United States.

Work Cited:

Schwartz, Seth J. et al. "Converging identities: Dimensions of acculturation and personal identity status among immigrant college students." Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, vol. 19, no. 2, Apr. 2013, pp. 155-165. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=pdh&AN=2012-30269-001&site=eds-live&scope=site.

Cultural Identity Patterns for Different Age Categories of the Population

This article is written in 2018 by Gabriela Boangiy, a scientific researcher at the Institute for Socio-Human Researches at the Department of Ethnography in Craiova.

Work Cited:

Boangiu, Gabriela. "Cultural Identity Patterns for Different Age Categories of the Population." Bukovinian State Medical University, vol. 4, no. 20, 2018, pp.83-88. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.70a91899b8e844ae9518a53daf3fdc28&site=eds-live&scope=site.


"Alice Growing up in 'Temporary Protection' Land: Immigrant Students' Identity Development as a Reflection toward Inclusion Practices" is an academic journal written by Bulent Alagoz in 2021. The purpose of this journal is to study the process of adaptation of immigrant students to a new culture, school, and ethnic identity. In this case, Syrian students arriving in Turkey. In this study, the author will interview immigrant Syrian students and ask about their adaptation process. A compilation of the most common answers was made as a result of each category of questions asked. These categories of questions consisted of what the student experimented with while adapting to Turkey, their sense of belonging in school and in a new culture, and their experiences with their ethnic identity in school.

After viewing the results, I can see how the school has a bigger impact on a young student's adaptation to a new country. I have noticed that the families are more supportive while the school environment is also the same but is also more effective in the adaptation process. They will help with the integration by accepting and teaching. The immigrant students are forced to adapt in order to be able to communicate and are learning from teachers and fellow peers.

Work Cited:

Alagoz, Bulent. "Alice Growing up in 'Temporary Protection' Land: Immigrant Students' Identity Development as a Reflection toward Inclusion Practices." Education Quarterly Reviews, vol. 4, issue 1, 2021, pp. 117-131. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=eric&AN=EJ1300476&site=eds-live&scope=site.


This study focuses on transgender and nonbinary (TNB) in the Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. More specifically, on how they identify themselves culturally: their values, their hopes of expanding, diversity, and challenging hegemonic TNB and AAPI. To do so, they will use the phenomenological qualitative methodology and semi-structured Skype interviews with 10 nationwide TNB AAPI between the ages of 21 and 42 years old. This study resulted in 6 themes: American Cultural Values, AAPI Cultural Values, Cultural Influences on Gender Identity, Personal Values, Questioning Belongingness, Meaning Making.

This academic journal is written by Jayden L. Thai from Counseling & Psychological Services at Brown University, Stephanie L. Budge from the Department of Counseling Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Laurie D. McCubbin from the College of Education & Human Development at the University of Louisville.

Although I am Asian Canadian and not Asian American, I still found myself relating a lot to what I read since both countries are diverse in ethnicity. I would see myself through the AAPI Cultural Values and understand the reasons behind some of my actions and the way my family sees life. This article can be very interesting to take into consideration while doing this project because it gives us a bigger perspective on the matter instead of focusing on the more traditional female and male perspectives. Especially since not a lot of studies have been done on TNB AAPI. This will be a good source that can contribute to 2 of the body paragraphs of my essay (ethnicity and gender).

Work Cited:

Thai, Jayden L. et al. "Qualitative examination of transgender Asian Americans navigating and negotiating cultural identities and values." Asian American Journal of Psychology, vol. 12, no. 4, Dec. 2021, pp. 301-316. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2312/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,url,uid&db=pdh&AN=2022-47454-006&site=eds-live&scope=site.


"Stereotypes and the Shaping of Identity" is a research article written by K. Anthony Appiah and was published in 2000. This article was written to reflect on how racial identities should figure in our moral and political lives. This research is separated into 4 parts. The first part is to understand the importance of the idea of equality. The second part is about the connection between antidiscrimination and liberal ideas such as autonomy, dignity, and individuality. Part 3 is about the different ideas of stereotypes. And the last part has the authors concluding observations about why affirmative action is not necessarily inconsistent with antidiscrimination properly construed.

I have found the third part of this essay about stereotypes very interesting and very pertinent to my topic. There are 3 types of stereotypes. The first one is the statistical stereotype which is the characteristics given to an individual according to their social group. For example, a woman is weak because she is a female. The second one is the simply false stereotype which are false beliefs of a group. The last one is the normative stereotype which is a social norm that an individual must follow according to their group. In other words, stereotypes to which people are conforming. An example from this article is the idea that women are required to wear a dress while men don't. The normative stereotype justifies some cases of identity development.

Work Cited:

Appiah, K. Anthony. "Stereotypes and the Shaping of Identity." California Law Review, vol. 88, no. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 41-53. https://dc153.dawsoncollege.qc.ca:2182/stable/3481272?seq=1.


For this project, I initially wanted to talk about personality shifts depending on the language that is being spoken. However, while doing my research, I slowly transitioned into talking about cultural identity. I kept working on this topic since we all go through identity development and it would be interesting to see what shapes us into the person we are today.

Being in a very diverse country, we sometimes don't know if we identify more as Canadians, or as Chinese in my case for example. Growing up I would feel the need to neglect my culture. I even stopped learning my own mother tongue because I felt that it was useless to do so since English and French were the main languages in the city. As I did the research, I found that I wasn't the only one that felt that way and had a connection to this topic. In the end, I choose this topic because I was interested in the psychological aspect that shapes us into the person we are today and because I could relate to it.

While doing my research, I found that an individual's cultural identity is affected by elements of their lives such as race/ethnicity, gender, age, social status, religion, etc. For this project, I divided to focus on ethnicity and gender. I learned about immigrants' adaptation to a new country, and what makes them accept the new culture or reject it. I also learned about the different categories of stereotypes and how we will conform to some of them depending on our ethnicity. I also learned about gender expectations and how we also conform to them at times. I also address transgender and nonbinary in Asian communities since it is somewhat neglected in the community and found it interesting to talk about.