Lab Alumni

Shamini Warda

Shamini had her Master's in Cognitive Science from the Centre of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad. 

She worked with the Language and Cognition Lab for 2 years and contributed to work looking at hemispheric asymmetries of symmetry judgment and attentional processes.

She is currently pursuing her PhD in Psychology at IIT Bombay.

You can contact her at

Himanshu Yadav 

Himanshu has completed his PhD and postdoc from University of Potsdam.

His area of interest is broadly in human sentence comprehension. He is also interested in investigating how do the architectural constraints on human cognition interact with the different types and degrees of the linguistic experience.  

You can contact him at .

J. Ranjith

Ranjith has a Master's Degree in Cognitive Science from the Centre of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad.

He is currently interested in developing corpora based and rating based measures for reading in Hindi. He is involved in designing large scale studies on Hindi word recognition and word naming. Also, he is currently involved in developing a pictures database that can be used by psychologists and neuropsychologists alike for various experimental and assessment uses.

You can contact him at .

Neelabja Roy

Neelabja has a Master's Degree in Cognitive Science from the IIT Kanpur.

He is currently working as a Data Analyst at National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore.

You can contact him at

Anjoom Thahir A.V

Anjoom has a Master's Degree in Cognitive Science from the IIT Kanpur.

Moulshree Rana

Moulshree has completed a masters in Cognitive Science from IIT Kanpur.

She is currently doing PhD at Donders Institute.

You can contact her at

Suraj Kumar

Suraj has completed his Master’s in ‘Neural and Cognitive Sciences’ from the Centre of Neural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Hyderabad. He is currently pursuing PhD at IIT Kanpur.

 You can contact him at:

UG Students

RAs/ Interns