
 2023-2024 school year.  We will start back up on Sept 7th, 2023.

Meetings are open to everyone and you do not have to become an official member to attend a meeting. If you would like to become an official member there is a $10.00 fee and you have official member voting privileges. The PTA does have an official member requirement in order to stay in good standing and continue to operate. Please consider joining officially  :)

Who  attends PTA Association Meetings?
Parents, Teachers, PTA Members, Executive Board, Laneview Staff and our Principal.

What happens in the Meetings?
We always welcome new attendees. 

During the meeting we discuss:

New Business is for PTA official business which involves, following Robert's Rule of Order, Newly revised, review Bylaws, making motions, going over audits, elections/ filling positions, planning fundraisers, and addressing any North Valley Council or CA PTA District 6th changes. 
Events/Activities ideas for the entire school and parents determine the cost of implementing the event, then we ask for parents to volunteer to assist/run the event. Since some teachers attend PTA we directly ask them if they need support in their classrooms.
Financial Report the Treasurer goes over our spending report and ratifies checks. Fundraising is an important part of the PTA. This is how the PTA pays for all the FUN Stuff! Parents are needed to help come up with ideas and run the fundraiser with support from the PTA Board and Laneview.
Principal Update our Principal announces any changes or provides us with District information. We get the scoop first ;)
New Ideas this is an open discussion in which the PTA welcomes parents or teachers to bring up fun ideas for events or fundraising.

Where are the meetings held?
They are held online via Zoom and that link is sent via Laneview School email. The link can also be found here, top of this page. 

When are these meetings?
Meetings are the 1st Thursday of every month and begin at 7pm. Usually right after SSC. There is no December meeting. School Site Council is every other month at 6pm.

Zoom Meeting info:

811  2330 9928 

Meeting Dates & Time 7p-8p (first Thursdays of the month)

Thursday September 7th - Meeting Minutes

Thursday October 12th - Meeting Minutes

Thursday November 2nd - Meeting Minutes

Thursday January 11th - Meeting Minutes

Thursday February 1st - Meeting Minutes

Thursday March 7th - Meeting Minutes

Thursday April 11th - Meeting Minutes

Thursday May 2nd - Meeting Minutes