Easy Lessons

Easy Lessons

by Ellen Mary Downing, 

United Irishman, April 22, 1848: 


The very subtlest eloquence 

That injured men can show, 

Is the pathos of a pikehead, 

And the logic of a blow.

Hopes built upon fine talking 

Are like castles built on sand; 

But the pleadings of cold iron 

Not a tyrant can withstand! 



An ancient poet singeth 

Of a sermon in a stone, 

And Frenchmen thought it good enough 

For preaching to a throne.

So piled they up the barricades 

With ready will and hand ; 

For the preaching of a barricade 

A king can understand !


Now, citizens and countrymen, 

'Tis time for us to learn 

Aristocrats are friendliest 

When democrats are stern.

They talk us down and walk us down, 

Who cringe to their command ; 

But the yell of our defiance 

Not a coronet can stand.