Anna Parnell's Political Journalism.

by Beverly E. Schneller

   Anna Parnell was a remarkable woman who made significant contributions to Irish politics and journalism in the late 19th century. Her book, Political Journalism, is a testament to her dedication to these fields and remains an important resource for historians and political scientists today.

   Published in 1883, Political Journalism is a collection of articles written by Anna Parnell for various Irish newspapers and periodicals. The articles cover a range of political topics, including land reform, education, and the Irish language. They provide a fascinating insight into the political landscape of the time and the challenges faced by the Irish people.

   One of the key themes of the book is the struggle for Irish independence. Anna Parnell was a passionate advocate for Irish nationalism and used her writing to campaign for a free and independent Ireland. She was a member of the Irish National Land League, an organization that fought for the rights of Irish tenants and farmers. Many of her articles in Political Journalism reflect her belief that land reform was essential for achieving Irish independence.

   Another important theme of the book is the role of women in Irish society. Anna Parnell was a strong advocate for women's rights and used her writing to challenge the traditional gender roles of the time. In one article, she argues that women should have the right to vote and be involved in politics. She also criticizes the lack of opportunities for women in education and employment, calling for greater equality and access to education for girls.

   Despite her important contributions to Irish politics and journalism, Anna Parnell's legacy has often been overshadowed by that of her brother, Charles Stewart Parnell, a prominent Irish nationalist and political leader. However, Political Journalism stands as a testament to her tireless campaigning and writing, and serves as a reminder of the vital role played by women in the struggle for Irish independence.

  In conclusion, Political Journalism is a fascinating and important book that provides a valuable insight into Irish politics and society in the late 19th century. Anna Parnell's writing is both passionate and insightful, and her advocacy for Irish independence and women's rights remains relevant to this day. Anyone interested in Irish history, politics, or journalism would do well to read this book and learn more about this remarkable woman and her contributions to Irish society.

   This is the first critical edition and collection of Anna Parnell's journalism and they reflect precisely the forward edge of Irish efforts to re distribute agricultural and grazing land from the hands of the Anglo-Irish elite to agricultural tenants and workers (thus creating a modern farming class) and to create Irish rural, county and urban self-government based on one man-one vote. This is an interdisciplinary study including reprints combining research in Irish, Irish-American and American history with women's studies, publishing history and cultural studies to underscore Parnell's efforts to garner support and raise funds from among Irish-American women for the cause of land reform. Beverly E.Schneller is Professor and Chair of the English Department at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. She received her PhD from Catholic University with the first dissertation in the United States on publishing history. She is the author-editor of several Oxford University Press books.

Anna Parnell's Political Journalism2.pdf