
Analysis of Game 2 of Carleson v Caruana 11-10-18

GM Alex Yermolinsky (Uncle Yermo) brings you the post-game analysis!

Adadmator video on the same WCC game 2.

Agadmator analysis video showing how Magnus lost by pushing it when it was even.

A cool game by Din Li Ren

Controversial game 6 of WCC--Agadmator video

Soul of Silicon | Caruana vs Carlsen 2018. | Game 8

Caruana played R d1 to prepare for Nc4. Game ended in draw. Caruana is not risking enough to win.

Stockfish vs. Komodo. Video by @agadmator

Magnus vs Fabiano Game 9 wcc 2018

Looks like this will be a drawn game and match.

Video: Magnus Carlsen Beats Kasparov's Slav Defense --Almost (Magnus Carlsen vs Garry Kasparov)

An interesting game, when Magnus Carlsen was only 13 years old.

Throwing Punches | Carlsen vs Caruana 2018. | Game 9

Carlsen vs Caruana (Game 9 Analysis) | World Chess Championship 2018

Video: Skype | Caruana vs Carlsen 2018. | Game 10

Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen Game 10

Magnus tries for a win with black but result is another draw. A good game.

11th game of WCC. Are they just pretending to play a chess match?

Alt version of WCC 11 with Stockfish playing both sides with 16... Pxg6 instead.

Played several variations of this, all ending in a draw. White basically has a weak opening and so needs to exchange everything to get a draw. Magnus needs to come up with a much stronger opening next time.

DeepMind's AlphaZero on Carlsen-Caruana Games 1, 3, 5 & 8 (Sicilian Defence)

Video: UNDEFEATED OPENING? | GM Aman Hambleton

34. Playing GM Aman Hambleton's unbeatable openning against 10

Not a defeat but a static position after 85 moves.

35. Playing Magnus position (w/Fabiano) after 31. against Stockfish 10

Black wins, but not so easily. There were 170 moves to checkmate. Magnus' offer of a draw was thus justified. Even though slightly ahead, Magnus had no clear path to winning. I took some of Stockfish suggestions for black, but if I took all as it would have been a draw.

Stockfish always draws when playing itself in a near even position, less than a 1.5 point advantage. If the advantage is pure material, with a 3 point advantage, such as queen vs 2 bishops, Stockfish may still draw playing itself. Most people rate a N and B as both 3. But if you have a bishop pair, that pair is probably worth 7.5, just a little less than a queen, 9. In the end game it is nearly impossible to win instead of draw if your opponent has a B-pair. By the same token, a N pair is probably worth 6.5 as they can protect each other, while a B and N is worth 6.

In this WCC game 12, Fabiano was running out of time, only 8 minutes for 9 moves, and Magnus was clearly thinking on both players time. Magnus is a much faster thinker and is confident of winning the tie break. Perhaps Magnus did not want to see Fabiano blunder because of time. Magnus is a nice guy and they are not enemies. Some people are rooting for Fabiano because he is an American. I have no such bias. I do not consider country of origin, only playing ability and courteous behavior .

Video: Tired of All the Draws? Check This Out

Ready for another draw?

Arriving at same pieces left over now as my game 35 above. 4:58pm EST 11-27-18

Now it looks drawn. Ethereal did not know how to win the ending. 5:15 pm

Buth stockfish trying for a win. But can it take three connected pawns with a rook?

Still a draw. 5:24 pm. Draw by repetition called 5:26 pm.

Video: Nerves of Steel | Carlsen vs Caruana 2018. | Game 1 RAPID

Video: Such Elegance | Caruana vs Carlsen 2018. | Game 2 RAPID

Video: There Can Be Only One! | Carlsen vs Caruana 2018. | Game 3 RAPID

One, Two, Three...Magnus is still the champ!

So drawing the twelves games was a rational choice, as Magnus knew he could easily win the rapids. Better not to risk too much, and you do need to take risks to win at chess when your opponent is very good. Winning is everything after all if you are world champion. You do not really want to risk your title just to please the critics.

2012 CBS video: World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen stays number one

Video: Magnus Carlsen Beats Kasparov's Slav Defense 😱 ... Almost (Magnus Carlsen vs Garry Kasparov)

Video: Speed Demon Wins It All | Nakamura vs So | Speed Chess Championship 2018.

Video: Google Deepmind AI AlphaZero's Unpublished Brilliancy by Antonio Radić Agadmator

Video: Google Deepmind's AlphaZero Chess Engine Smashes Stockfish With The Dutch by Robert Lee Hess

Video: Engines Suck! | Insane Game Between Šarić & Maghsoodloo | Batumi Chess Olympiad (2018) by Antonio Radić Agadmator

Video: How is This Possible? | AlphaZero Shows Us the Way

Video: AlphaZero Plays a Tal Move | Chess Has A Bright Future

Video: We're in the Endgame Now | Google Deepmind AI AlphaZero shows Stockfish a Thing or Two

Video: Google Deep Mind AI Alpha Zero Refutes 1.e4

Video: Bishop Pair from Hell | Artificial Beauty of AlphaZero

Video: Beating a Union Square Chess Hustler: Achievement Unlocked

Video: Grandmaster Maurice Ashley Plays Willson the Chess Hustler in NYC Park

Video: 4 Year Old Chess Prodigy Misha vs 95 Year Old GM Yuri Averbakh

Video: The Magnus Effect - Creating Something Out Of Nothing | Tata Steel 2018. | Round 10