SparkChess Games

It is me against Boris! Never a boring game. I am white.

1. Boris 10-27-18 (won middle game)

2. Boris 10-28-18 (won middle again)

3. Boris 10-29-18 (long game: won with R and K)

4. Boris Halloween 2018 (won end game)

5. Boris blunders 11-1-18 (quick checkmate!)

6. A draw against Claire :(

7. And a draw against Boris 11-1-18

Sacrifice fell short but able to draw - though down a N.

(Playing "whatever" opennings today.)

8. And a morning victory against Boris 11-1-18

Boris just played terrible in this game.

9. Played Boris down to 2 Kings left standing. 11-1-18

10. Hooray! Another win today against Boris. 11-1-18

Forgot openning above but able to win in B vs N end game.

11. A more solid game against Boris. 11-1-18

White wins the exchange and the game.

12. A long drawn game against Boris 11-5-18

Boris managed a perpetual check draw. Not a good opening.

13, Boris eats too much and loses his queen 11-5-18.

14. computer level 6 (I won as Black--no quarter given)

15. A full center openning against Boris 11-7-18

Boris trades queens on move 24 but lets me have passed pawns.

16. Full center openning wins again against Boris 11-9-18

I trick Boris into openning up his king's file to win a pawn.

17. Inspired by World Championship, I played Boris! 11-9-18

Guardian News: Magnus missed the win today

Fabiano Caruana vs Magnus Carlsen 11-9-18

So many errors! Black could have won.

18. Boris commits suicide in this game 11-10-18

Boris thought a long time then sacrificed its Q (???) without any mate threat.

19. Finally a solid win. Can barely keep eyes open. 11-11-18

Strategy: take N to get doubled Ps on black's KR file, move 2 N there to drive Q away, then launch attack with Rs, Q, and N. Having developed P chain on Q side to slow counterattack. They must have improved the Boris program tonight as it thinking a few seconds when in difficulty. Harder to win tonight. At one point it flashed an red AI error message, so seems they were tweaking it.

Analysis of Game 2 of Carleson v Caruana 11-10-18

GM Alex Yermolinsky (Uncle Yermo) brings you the post-game analysis!

Adadmator video on the same WCC game 2.

20. The defeat of Guru in 26 moves 11-11-18

Guru is the highest level of

If you look at the checkmate threat it missed in its analysis you will understand that engines have trouble with dark matter.

Guru crashed my Chromebook twice trying to escape the loss but Chrome recovered the game each time.