1_ Tribute to Jean-Christophe Hervé

Jean-Christophe Hervé

Statistician, and founder and first head of Laboratory of Forest Inventory. Jean-Christophe Hervé first worked as a professor at 'ENGREF' (now AgroParisTech) in statistics and growth & yield, then as the as technical director of the French NFI, where he implemented a method for continuous forest inventory of the French forests, including a fully-renewed and semi-permanent plot design for the accurate tracking of forest changes. He has been leader of WP2 in EU-funded « DIABOLO » project. His activities in the lab concerned statistical optimization of the national forest inventory method.

jean-christophe.herve@ign.fr, ResearchGate, Scholar

Bio and contribution on Wikipedia (in French)

Jean-Christophe Hervé passed away on April 16, 2017. IGN, the French NFI, and the whole NFI community has lost a major contributor in the field.

Tributes and carreer retrospectives can be found at the following ULRs: GIP ECOFOR (p3), Forestopic and IGN.

His last conference talk (Carrefours de l'Innovation AGronomique, CIAG, held on December 8, 2016 in Nancy) can be listened at : CIAG (select 'session 1', 'track 3').