3_ Selected publications

Bontemps JD (coord) (2023). Laboratoire d'inventaire forestier - Activity report for the period 2015-2022, 15 novembre 2023, 169 pp.

Forest sampling and inference in the French NFI

Bouriaud O. (2020). Échantillonnage et estimation dans l'Inventaire Forestier National. Essai de reconstruction et formalisation. IGN, Laboratoire d'Inventaire Forestier. Rapport scientifique, 25 pp. Rapport disponible sur la plateforme HAL sous licence Creative Commons CC-ND-NC. N°dépôt : 03039886, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03039886

Forest resource assessment 

Forest inventory-based projection systems for wood and biomass availability - France

A Colin, H Wernsdörfer, A Thivolle-Cazat, J-D Bontemps (2017) Synthesis of EU Cost action 1001, Springer, book chapter, 159-174

National forest inventories, assessment of wood availability and use - France

J-C Hervé (2017) Synthesis of EU Cost action 1001, Springer, book chapter, 385-404

Forest inventories at the European level

J-M Leban, J-D Bontemps (2016) Editorial to special issue, Annals of Forest Science, 73(4)-

Overview of methods and tools for evaluating future woody biomass availability in European countries

S Barreiro, MJ Schelhaas, G Kändler, C Antón-Fernández, A Colin, JD Bontemps, I Alberdi, S Condés, et al. (2016) Annals of Forest Science, 73(4), 823-837

L’inventaire des ressources forestières en France: un nouveau regard sur de nouvelles forêts

J-C Hervé, S Wurpillot, C Vidal, B Roman-Amat (2014) Revue Forestière Française, 66(3), 247-260

Large-scale dynamics of a heterogeneous forest resource are driven jointly by geographically varying growth conditions, tree species composition and stand structure

H Wernsdörfer, A Colin, JD Bontemps, H Chevalier, G Pignard, S Caurla, JM Leban, JC Hervé, M Fournier (2012) Annals of forest science, 69(7), 829-844

Comment apprécier le niveau d’exploitation des ressources forestières françaises?

J-L Peyron, J-C Hervé (2012), Revue Forestière Française, 64(5) 599-611

Remote sensing of forests

On the interest of penetration depth, canopy area and volume metrics to improve Lidar-based models of forest parameters

C Véga, JP Renaud, S Durrieu, M Bouvier (2016)

Remote Sensing of Environment 175, 32-42

Aboveground-Biomass Estimation of a Complex Tropical Forest in India Using Lidar

C Véga, U Vepakomma, J Morel, JL Bader, G Rajashekar, CS Jha, J Ferêt, C Proisy, R Pélissier, VK Dadhwal (2015)

Remote Sensing 7 (8), 10607-10625

PTrees: A point-based approach to forest tree extraction from lidar data

C Véga, A Hamrouni, S El Mokhtari, J Morel, J Bock, JP Renaud, M Bouvier, S Durrieu (2014)

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 33, 98-108

Stem volume and above-ground biomass estimation of individual pine trees from LiDAR data: Contribution of full-waveform signals

T Allouis, S Durrieu, C Véga, P Couteron (2013)

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote 6(2) 922-934

Mapping site index and age by linking a time series of canopy height models with growth curves

C Véga, B St-Onge (2009)

Forest Ecology and Management 257 (3), 951-959

Mapping canopy height using a combination of digital stereo‐photogrammetry and lidar

B St‐Onge, C Vega, RA Fournier, Y Hu (2008)

International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (11), 3343-3364

Forest growth and global change

Recent growth changes in Western European forests are driven by climate warming and structured across tree species climatic habitats

M Charru, I Seynave, JC Hervé, R Bertrand, JD Bontemps (2017)

Trees 74 (2), 33

Spatial patterns of historical growth changes in Norway spruce across western European mountains and the key effect of climate warming

M Charru, I Seynave, JC Hervé, JD Bontemps (2014)

Trees 28 (1), 205-221

Shifts in the height‐related competitiveness of tree species following recent climate warming and implications for tree community composition: the case of common beech and sessile oak as predominant broadleaved species in Europe

JD Bontemps, JC Herve, P Duplat, JF Dhôte (2012)

Oikos 121 (8), 1287-1299

Nitrogen footprint in a long-term observation of forest growth over the twentieth century

JD Bontemps, JC Hervé, JM Leban, JF Dhôte (2011)

Trees 25 (2), 237-251

Recent changes in forest productivity: an analysis of national forest inventory data for common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in north-eastern France

M Charru, I Seynave, F Morneau, JD Bontemps (2010)

Forest Ecology and Management 260 (5), 864-874

Wood properties and global change

X-ray microdensitometry of wood: a review of existing principles and devices

P Jacquin, F Longuetaud, JM Leban, F Mothe (2017) Dendrochronologia 42, 42-50

Bibliometric analysis of the World Wood Science research between 2002 and 2011;How are we seen by the Web of Science?

JM Leban, MV Tatry, H Leiser (2013)

Forest Product Society, 67TH International convention June 9-11, 2013

Divergence in latewood density response of Norway spruce to temperature is not resolved by enlarged sets of climatic predictors and their non-linearities

T Franceschini, JD Bontemps, V Perez, JM Leban (2013)

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 180

When tree rings behave like foam: moderate historical decrease in the mean ring density of common beech paralleling a strong historical growth increase

JD Bontemps, P Gelhaye, G Nepveu, JC Hervé (2013)

Annals of Forest Science 70 (4), 329-343

Effect of ring width, cambial age, and climatic variables on the within-ring wood density profile of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst.

T Franceschini, F Longuetaud, JD Bontemps, O Bouriaud, BD Caritey, JM Leban (2013)

Trees 27 (4), 913-925

Transient historical decrease in earlywood and latewood density and unstable sensitivity to summer temperature for Norway spruce in northeastern France

T Franceschini, JD Bontemps, JM Leban (2012)

Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (2), 219-226

Decreasing trend and fluctuations in the mean ring density of Norway spruce through the twentieth century

T Franceschini, JD Bontemps, P Gelhaye, D Rittie, JC Herve, JC Gegout, JM Leban (2010)

Annals of forest science 67 (8), 816